Chapter 10 Preparations.

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Y/n sits down in one of the chairs in the room.

(???)’If I may know what brought you here.’

(Y/n)’ You already know why I'm here.’

(???)*nervous laughing*’ Nope I totally don't know everything under control and the operations are going perfectly.’

(Y/n)’ If what happened with the failure to assassinate Jacques Schnee you call going perfectly. We hired you because you are the best at what you do but so far you feel like waisted investment ’

(???)’ It's all going according to my plan you don't need to worry you head about it.’

(Y/n)’ As much As I trust your word I would like some insight to this plan of your.’

(???)’ Well while I was arranging the attack on Schnee mansion, A thought came in to my mind why waste  such a perfect pawn that we could use. We did the attack of his mansion to show that if we wanted we had the power to kill him whenever we wanted, and I had a nice conversation with that bastard to convince him that joining us is his only option.’

(Y/n)’ And what makes you think that the snake that Jacque Schnee is would listen to us, he isn't a man who likes working for others.’

(???)’ Mostly the information about him that would damage his reputation and ruine his life if it got out.’

(Y/n)’ A low life like him doesn't give a dam about nothing but money, he couldn't care less for his reputation.’

She just puts up on the screen some of the picture that she found about Jacques Schnee torturing young faunus for his pleasure.

(Y/n)’ Warn me if your going to show me something as disgusting as this.’
She hides the picture.

(???)’ You believe me now?’

(Y/n)’ I do. So what else has happened in my absences.’

(???)’ Well I hacked in to the Atlas military main computer and found some interesting project of theirs.’

(Y/n)’ Show me them.’ You read some of the files names and quickly look trough what written inside of them. You stop at one that peaks your interest it's called “P.E.N.N.Y”.’ This is interesting.’

The mysterious hacker looks at what has peaked Y/n interest.

(???)’ I thought that would have intrigued you.’ She waves her hand in front a big screen that is in the room and everything that was written in that file appeared on it.’ An artificial human created to combat grimm. That quite a dangerous concept if it slip out to the public, it might cause some disapproval with Atlas.’

(Y/n)’ I have a question could our scientists make something like this and have it copy a humans personality?

She sends a massage to the people responsible for the science department of Talon. Few seconds later.

(???)’ They say yes. Who are you thinking to replace it with?’

(Y/n)’ Your new friend. I will never trust that man. So it's better just to replace him with someone that had the same goal as ours . How long will it take to create it.’

(???)’ Well the body will take a month to build but they are uncertain on how long it will take to create and artificial intelligence that has the personality of that person.’

(Y/n)’ Tell them to make it as quickly as possible and can you make a virus that would affect Atlas machinery making  it aggressive twords civilians and people in general .‘

(???)‘ You are asking me if I can?‘

(Y/n)‘ So can you?‘

(???)‘ Of course I can, messin with Atlas computers is a peace of cake.‘

(Y/n)‘ I'll also be taking a copy all of these files.‘

(???)‘ What are you planning?‘

(Y/n)‘ For now to rest and stay out of the sight of public.‘

(???)‘ That's not what I was asking.‘

(Y/n)‘ My answer isn't incorrect, it answers what your unspecified question was asking and it's the only one that you'll get. And be ready to leave for a mission to Vale as soon as you finish .‘

Y/n stand up and leaves.

(???)‘ Jerk. Well time to get to work.‘ She also leaves.

Y/n pow.

After leaving I was driven to a safe house in Atlas and I started to think about what I'm going to write in my report to Ozpin.

Time skipe two days later.

3rd pow

Y/n is sitting in the kitchen of the penthouse eating the breakfast he made and reading a new paper. The front door is swung open by ???.

Y/n lifts his eyes from the news paper looks at her and returns to reading.  Y/n saw that her hair were a mess and she had bags under her eyes. She walks up to the table that Y/n is sitting at and drops on it a scroll and flops down in the seat next to Y/n and lies her face on the table.

(???)‘ I did it!‘ her words were a bit muffled.

Y/n fold his new paper, puts it down, picks up his cup of tea takes a sip.

(Y/n)‘That was quick.  So what you brought me?‘

(???)‘ A masterpiece that only I could make in such a short time. It‘s a perfect computer virus that no antivirus could stop and it does exactly what you asked for.‘

(Y/n)‘ I only learn if it's as good as you say after it is used. So I only need to know will it work?‘

(???)‘ The nerve of you to doubt me yes it will and it will be the best. So when will we be leaving.‘

(Y/n)‘ Not now, latter.‘ he pick up the news paper opens the page he stoped at and starts to read it.

(???)‘ And when is that.‘

(Y/n)‘ You don't need to worry about that all you should care is to prepared.‘

(???)‘ And how should I prepare.‘

Y/n stops for a second to think.

(Y/n)‘ Find all the information about the current first year students of all academies.‘

(???)‘ Do you want to kill me or something that's way to much work for me alone.‘

(Y/n)‘ So your saying you can't do it?‘

(???)‘ Of course I can, it's not difficult for me to breake in the data bases of all the academies but--- ‘

(Y/n)‘ Then do it.‘ Y/n stand up put his tea cup and plate in the sink and walks to the next room.

(???)‘For fluffs sake, you gotta be kidding me. He'll have to pay me more for this.‘ she leaves.

Y/n in the next room is practicing his speech to make it as convincing as possible.

A week passed.
Y/n and ??? Had returned to Vale.

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