Chapter 3 "David vs goliath"

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Y/n pow
I was smiling until I hear two voices that are way to familiar to me, they belonged to Yang xiao long and Ruby Rose. I'm  in a bullhead with the two people I hate the most in my life , the only thing that could be worse is if Taiyang was here. In the bullhead I found a spot as far from them as I could, but even then they spoke so loud I could hear glimpses of there conversation it went something like being the bees knees or something  I really didn't care. A hologram appear it spoke about events that took place yesterday it also spoke about a faunus protest that turned in to a white fang attack, then it was replaced by an image of  Glyndas she welcomed us to Beacon she introduced herself and started to talk about how we are the selected few given privileged to go to Beacon, more like selected few to be sent into death but that maybe only me over thinking things, she talked about how we live in a time of peace, o don't worry soon I'll change that, and also how we will have to protect that peace, o I'll do that for sure*drowning in sarcasm*, she told us about how they will provide us the knowledge to help us protect the peace after she told all that the hologram disappeared.  Wen we got close enough to see Beacon everyone went to the window of the bullhead to get a good look at it but I didn't bother I'll get to see a hundred more times wen I will joint it. I could see a boy who couldn't hold his lunch in vomit and some of the puke land on Yangs shoes making my day just that much greater, note to self thank him wen you get the chance.
When the bullhead finally landed I was one of the last one to get out because I wanted to not run into Yang or Ruby, I exited the bullhead and slowly started to head twords the meeting hall. But was stopped wen an explosion happened and a someone's luggage flew twords my head I cot it and started to carry it backtword were it came from. When I reached the place were the explosion tuck place I saw a white and blue clothing wearing girl and Ruby. The white and blue wearing girl was a schnee as you recognize the emblem on the luggage she was screaming at Ruby.

(Weiss)‘ Unbelievable this is exactly rhe kind of thing I was talking about.‘

(Ruby)‘ I'm really, really sorry‘

(Weiss)‘ ugh! you complete, dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?‘

(Ruby)‘ Well... I...‘

(Weiss)‘ This isn't your ordinary combat school, it's not sparing and practice you know. Were here to fight monster! So watch were your going!‘

(Ruby)‘ hey, I said I was sorry, princess!‘

I could see a girl with a bow approaching them.
(A girl with a bow)‘ It's hereise actually. Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee dust company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world'

(Weiss)‘ Finally some recognition‘
(A girl wirh a bow)‘ The same company infamous for there controversial labour force's and questionable  business partners‘

Y/n thoughts „ the Schnee  company did sell dust to Talon in the old days wen Talon was still strong".

(Weiss)‘ wha-- how dare--! The nerve of--!'

Weiss walks twords the other girl and grabs the botle of dust she had. She then starts to head twords me.

(Weiss)‘ Give me that right now!‘

Oh you just had to say that. I crush the luggage as some flames escape from it from the dust inside of it. No one is ever ordering me around especially not a stuck up spoiled brat like her. I give her a look that would scare even the bravest of people. And she starts to walk away in a rush. I start to head twords the auditorium to hear the headmasters speech. When i get there i find myself a seat in the back close to the door. As everyone starts to gather you could see Ruby enter with the vomit boy. When everyone is here Ozpin gives a speech and your thoughts about it were“Ozpin I already have a purpose one you would hate if you know of' and Glynda say we will be sleeping in the ballroom and that initiation is tomorrow.
Time skipe
Location ballroom
I got changed into my sleep wearing, it consists of my underwear and some shorts. As I entered the ballroom I could feel most of the female students start to stare at me. Yes I'm really tall and I'm really  muscular the most muscular man in this ballroom  but could they stop like I like my privacy. Let just hope I won't be weaken up in the middle of the night by one of the female students that wanted to check out my muscle. And I get the feeling that one of those stares is Yang something that makes me want to vomit. I start to head twords the boys side of the ballroom but it just so happens that the only spot left is close to the girl side oh boy how lucky of me that was sarcasm I start to head twords the spot , while heading twords my spot I passed by some boys that were trying to impress the girls by flexing they gave me angry gazes. When I passed them I saw the vomit boy in a blue pyjamas that had a bunny on them. Oh yeah I should thank him for how he made me lough. I head twords him wen he sees me he starts to look nervous.

(Jaune)‘ Please don't hurt me I didn't do nothing To you and if I did I'm--'

(Y/n)‘ I'm not here to hurt you I just wanted to thank you for making a funny act in the bullhead wen your vomit landed on those blondes shoes Vomit boy'

(Jaune)nervously ‘ it's Jaune.. Arc..‘

(Y/n)‘ Well it nice to meet you Jaune I'm Doomfist‘

(Jaune)‘ that's a weird name for a person‘

(Y/n)‘ It's my nickname I don't trust people that easly to give out my name to eryone‘

(Jaune)‘ That explains it'
(Y/n)‘And also don't  let me interrupt, that was rude'

(Jaune)‘ umm... sure‘

(Y/n)‘ Well Jaune it was nice meeting you but I got to go rest‘

(Authors note: if some of you think that y/n was to polite Doomfist in the game is shown to be polite or at least that he can be polite that he is not just a brute who likes breaking everything).
Y/n reaches his spot puts his pillow down, lays down puls the blanket on top of himself an trays to fall asleep, but is interrupted by some people that are speaking rrally loud, Y/n stands up and looks around to find the people that are speaking. And he finds that and ypu can guess he is annoyed even more wen he sees it Yang, Ruby and another girl the one with a bow.Y/n thinks I could just avoide them but for the past 4 weeks I have been traveling to Vale with barely any sleep so I would like to get at least one night of normal sleep but I don't want to interact with them, god damit I really don't have a choice do I they won't quite dow will they.  Y/n starts to head twords them but gets beaten by Weiss who already started to scream at them but  then they started to argue Y/n didn't care so he walked up to them and said.

(Y/n)‘ Couldn't you all shut up'

(Ruby)‘ sorry'

(Weiss)‘ see he agrees to me'

(Y/n)‘ I'm not agreeing to you, your one of the loudest‘

(Weiss)‘ why you--'

Yang laughed out of Y/n comment something that made Y/n disgusted.

(Ruby)‘ we will keep it down from now okay'

(Y/n)‘ I hope you will, for you one safety‘ Y/n made it sound like a treat and lets say it worked really well all of them shut up instantly with faces that showed a bit of fear. After that Y/n turned around and returned to his spot and fell asleep.
Rubys pow
As the male student walked  away. Me, Weiss and Yang still stand here afraid of moving and making a sound until Yang breaks the silence

(Yang)‘ He was hot'

(Ruby)‘ Yang! Really?‘

(Yang)‘ what? mama saw what she wants and mama will get what she wants'

(Ruby)‘ I'm not listening, lalalalalala‘  Blake blows out the candle and we all go to sleep.
Time skipe next day
Y/n pow
I'm in the locker room searching for my locker to pick up my gun. While walking I hear a conversation that peaks my interest.

(Weiss)‘ So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you would like to be on? I'm sure everyone's must be eager  to unite with such a strong, well known individual, as yourself‘

(Pyrrha)‘ Hmmmm... I'm not quite sure. I was planing on letting the chips fall where  they may‘

(Weiss)‘ well I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together‘

(Pyrrha)‘Well that sounds grand‘

(Weiss)‘ Great‘ strarts mumbling to herself.

(Y/n) *laughs*‘ I wouldn't expect nothing more from a Schnee, using others for her own good.‘

This gets her attention on to you

(Weiss)‘ What did you say'

(Y/n)‘ I said that a Schnee would only know how to use other for themselves‘

(Weiss)‘ How dare you'

She starts screaming at you but you don't give a dam at what she thinks and continue on your way before making a corner you see Jaune trying to flirt with the Schnee and horribly failing. You find you locker and entered the code open it to see the gun and some ammunition you pick up the gun and put it in the holster that is on your hip, you take the ammo and put it in you ammo pouch. Wen you turn around  you see Jaune fly by and get stuck to the wall. You also hear Glynda call all the students to the cliff. So you walk by Jaune not even bothered to help him. As everyone got to the cliff and took there places the headmaster and Glynda started to explain the objective during the explanation you could hear some students yelping you couldn't catch who it was but still ypu found all the reaction entertaining. You were standing on the first launch pad so you got launched first. You positioned yourself in the air to make you landing smoother. When you landed you left a small  crater.
(Y/n)‘ Now that the landing is done were is the temple with the relics we have to retrieve‘ You look around think for a second about what you saw during the launch and remember seeing some ruins in the forest so you head twords them. Few minutes passed you had encountered some beowolfs on you way they were crushed in seconds, as you were jogging twords the temple  you felt the ground shake like something big is running twords you, so you stop and look around. Suddenly a few trees almost fall on you, but you were fast enough to dodge them, as you look at who broke the trees you get a pleasant surprise, it was a small goliath, well saying it is small would be a lay it at least 10 stories tall so he is massive, but in goliath terms it a small one. You only smile.

(Y/n)‘ finally a worthy opponent‘ the grimm roars in response. The goliath charged at you, you jump to the side, you shot at it several times but it does no damage it only makes the goliath angry.
Pow change to Glynda
Me and headmaster Ozpin are watching all the students on there performance during the initiation. Suddenly I hear a roaring of a massive grimm, a grimm that isn't suppose to be in the forest. I start to check all the cameras. I look at Ozpin maybe he found something but he wasn't even worried. I notice that hes watching how one of the students is facing a goliath.

(Glynda)‘ Ozpin how did a goliath get in the forest‘

(Ozpin) he hums back at Glynda and continued to  watch the fighting.

(Glynda)‘ We have to send help no student could thake on a goliath‘

(Ozpin)‘ Oh Glynda just relax, it will be fine, just watch it'

I look at the screen to see Y/n xain long aka Y/n Doomfist standing in front the goliath.

(Glynda)‘ Why isn't he running away , does he have a death wish'

(Ozpin)‘ Just watch Glynda‘

Y/n pow
I stand in front of the goliath, as sparks start to gather around my fist the goliath charged again rhis time i don't dodge. I gather my whole strength into the punch and charge at the goliath, my my gountlets fist collides with the goliath. A shock wave is realised from the collision, the goliath was stopped by the punch, for a second it just me and the goliath looking at each other. But suddenly the goliaths mask cracks it doesn't stop braking, soon it's whole face is cracked and one of the tusks breaks of, the goliath during all that started to roaring in pain. I start to walk twords the tusk that broke of I picked it up and look at the goliath, then I  jump on to him and wedged the tusk in to his side it roared in agony as he fell. I diced to finish this. I head twords it head that is trashing all around I winded another punch up but to mine surprise the goliath suddenly stood up almost crushing me with it's feet, I rolled out of the way.

(Y/n)*laughs*‘ Yes fight me with everything you have left, show me why hunters and huntress fear your kind'  the grimm tried to hit my with his trunk I jumped back it got on two legs then quickly brought his legs back on the ground delivering a small quake. I didn't have the time to dodge so I fell over from the shaking. The goliath tried to squeeze me with his leg but i rolled to the side. It continued to try and crush me. I had to roll around the ground because the grimms relentless attacks didn't give me the chance to get up. It so happens that I ended up under his stomach so I diced to give him a nice path. I jump up punch his stomach making it roar. The punch did allot of damage but not enough , well at least I got a chance ro stand up. I run twords the goliaths head and deliver an uppercut making him fall on to his side this time I don't wait I run twords his head and punch it my gountlet goes inside his head, I pull it out finally ending the grimm. I look at it, as it body disintegrates.
Glynda pow
I'm lost for words. He just killed a goliath while sustaining minimal damage.

(Ozpin)‘ I told you he can do it'

(Glynda)‘ How can he be so strong at such young age?‘

(Ozpin)‘ Yes he is young, but it might be that in experience he‘s only second to me, also hes a expert  tactician, who could put anyone on the ropes and he has mastered most of hand to hand combat styles‘

(Glynda)‘ how much more potential does he have, Ozpin? And what did he have to go trough to become this strong‘

(Ozpin)‘ I do not know Glynda'

I'm in shock.
Y/n pow
After defeating the goliath, I continued twords the temple. It had some big chess pieces put on pedestals I picked on of them and continued on my way now I was heading tword a cliff that was behind the temple. I found a nice place to sit down and watch the show. When I finally found myself a place to watch the fight.
I could see everyone was already gathered . The fight between team Jnpr and the deathstalker and a fight between team RWBY and the nevermore. Both teams win.

(Y/n)‘ I kinda wish Yang and Ruby would of fell of the bridge and broke there neck during the fighting. But I guess you can't get everything you wish for.‘

I head to the designated pick up point.
And another chapter down I hope you enjoyed it

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