Chapter 9 Going back to Atlas

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3rd pow
After the match with Weiss team JNPR and RWBY started to hate Y/n, no one spoke to him and stayed away from him. Y/n after the match started sleeping in team RWBY dorm because he knew there won't be any unnecessary questions  asked of him and neither  will Yang try to get his forgiveness, nor Ruby will be, well Ruby or in other words she won't be an annoying brat.
Time skip to the mission day.
Y/n pow
As I head twords the bullhead to get delivered to Atlas, to find information about Talon, the „terrorist“ group that I'm the vice-president of, isn't it ironic Ozpin sending me because he thinks only I can do it, but I'm actually the only one that wouldn't tell him the truth. If you couldn't guess it yet I'm going to lie to Ozpin about what Talon actually is.
I enter the bullhead and it takes of.

(Y/n)‘ Pilot, how long will the flight take?‘

(Pilot)‘ Five hours.‘

I settle into a better position and sight, this is going to be a long day, well I guess I'll take a nap.

(Y/n)‘ I'm going to catch some Zs, so wake me up when we get there.‘


Time skipe four hours later.
I'm awaken by a loud noise and shaking, I fall of the seat and hit the ground. While standing up I look around I see trough the window that a Atlasian bullhead is chasing us.

(Y/n)‘What's happening?‘

(Pilot)‘ Your finally awaken, we are being chased by atlas if you can't see.‘

(Y/n)‘ And why are they chasing us, I thought every kingdom was at peace?‘

(Pilot)‘Well after the unsuccessful assassination of the Jacques  Schnee, Atlas declared the country's  militarization because it made the nation look weaker.‘

(Y/n)‘Ozpin and Ironwood are friends and we are here on behalf of his shouldn't they allow us in.‘

(Pilot)‘This mission been kept secretive because of what is happening in the world and because of you.‘

(Y/n)‘Well that's just great, can you out speed them or out manoeuvre them.‘

(Pilot)‘No' The pilot turns hard right to avoid a rocket.

(Y/n)‘ I'm jumping out.‘

(Pilot)‘ What!? Are you insane?‘

(Y/n)‘ There is no chance of you losing them, and if they get us and find me we are going to be lucky if we get a court and don't just get shot to death right there at that moment.‘
Some thime passes as the pilot thinks about the possibilities at hand.

(Pilot)‘ Fine, I can get so that they won't see us for a couple of seconds you'll have to jump then.‘

(Y/n)‘ That works with me, just tell me when to jump. And also how far is Atlas.‘

(Pilot)‘Three hours of walking.‘

I head twords the left side inside the storage area in the bullhead.
(Y/n)‘I'll make it in two then.‘ I head twords the  bullheads side door

(Pilot)‘ Not jet..... not yet..... just a little more....‘ a cliff opens up bellow us and the bullhead suddenly heads down, heading in to the tall trees‘ Now!‘

I open the door and jump. The fall isn't  to big as I'm already near the tree tops, I use everything that I can to avoid hitting a tree directly on. The landing wasn't the best I have had because of the speed that the bullhead was going when I jumped out but it wasn't anything that I couldn't take. I look up to see the Atlas ship fly by not noticing me, that's good. I look around to get my bearings right, I deduce to what direction is Atlas and start running.
Time skip to when Y/n reaches Atlas.
Y/n pow
I'm just in the outskirts of Atlas, the entrance is heavily gourded by atlasian soldiers it's  not going to be easy to get trough them unnoticed, but I have an idea that just might work an kill some people but that's none of my worries. I head back in to the forests depths. After half an hour I reach a large cave, and start to think about all the bad stuff that has happened to me. I loud roar filled the area, some boarbatusk and ursas ran out of the cave, I counted them and decided that this should be enough. The grimm charged twords me, I turned around and bucked back to Atla entrance. I was allot faster then the grimm so I reached the gourded entrance,in front of it was waiting quite the large crowd so I blended in to it. Soon I could hear a roar and screaming as people start to run in to the city and the gourds try to stop them, quickly make my way twords a opening that I see and slip in to the city. I head deeper in to the city leaving the screams and roars behind, In the city I find myself a quiet and empty alleyway. A hologram arises from the device.

(???)*nervous*‘ Hi boss, how is it going?‘

(Y/n)‘ I'm in Atlas at the moment and I would like you to organise a pick me up.‘

(???)‘ What!!!—I mean that's good to hear, were are you I'll send some one right away.‘

(Y/n)‘ I'm on the industrial side of the city I'm near the our main warehouse.‘

(???)‘ I have sent them, they will reach you shortly. If I can ask you wh---' I shut of the transmission.

Time skip to when Y/n reaches the main hide out of Talon.
I enter the building and start to head twords the meeting room. While heading to the meeting room I walk past quite a few  Talon members all of great me with the utmost respect. Finally I reach the door to the meeting room. I open the door and enter the large room with a large table in the middle, alot of  chairs stand aroud the table most of them are empty, but one isn't in that chair sits a neon purple and black wearing female.

(???)‘ welcome back, how was the vacation boss?‘


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