Chapter 6 Conflict part 2"Y/n killer before, Y/n now- still just a killer "

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3rd pow

We can see a really drunk Y/n heading twords the twins and starting to flirt with them, but that's not what's important at the moment. What's important is the girl that found him after he left to Vale, she was following Y/n trying to find out more about him. While doing so she heard some of the conversation with the bartender, she wasn't certain if all of it was true because Y/n was really drunk while talking about that. But it still made her worry about Y/n and his sanity, so she decided to watch him and make sure he returns to Beacon. Who was the girl you might wonder? Well it was the cat faunus, that didn't know that curiosity killed the cat. When she saw that Y/n was getting so drunk that it was hard for him to concentrate she decided that it was time to bring him back for his own good, she had tough about the possibility of letting him to pass out from alcohol, but she scratched that she couldn't carry him back to Beacon if that happened. She had walked up the them.

(Y/n)Drunk' Hi Blake what you are doing her? Want to join us?'

(Blake)' No, I came here to bring you back to Beacon.'

(Y/n)Drunk ' AHhh.... But I don't want to go there at the moment' he sounded a bit childish.

(Blake)' You have to return.'

(Y/n)Drunk ' And why is that?'

Blake thinks for a good lie.

(Blake)' Because Ozpin needs you'

(Y/n)Drunk'What for?'

(Blake)' He has a mission for you'

(Y/n)Drunk' Well if the wizard needs me it has to be important, well girls' he turns to the twins' sadly I have to go'

(Melanie)sad' do you really have to go?'

(Militia)also sad' Can't you stay for a bit more and tell us more of your storys?'

(Y/n)Drunk ' Sadly I can't, I don't want to keep the Wizard waiting.' Y/n stands up and tries to take a step but the alcohol in his system decided differently and he started to fall forwards, Blake reacted quick and caught you and started to support you.' well goodbye lady's'

(Melanie and Militia)' Bye Doomfist, come back and visit us soon'

(Y/n)' I will' and they leave and begin there journey back to Beacon.

Time skip to when Y/n and Blake turn a corner and enter a dark alleyway.

(Y/n)Drunk ' Well this isn't creepy at all'

(Blake)' Shut up this is the fastest way back to Beacon'

(Y/n)Drunk ' And why are we in such a rush'

(Blake)' Well if someone would not of been so drunk that he can barely walk, we would of made it much faster and would not have to hurry to make it to the last bullhead.'

Y/n doesn't respond he only hiccups. While they were bickering like that they didn't notice that a group of thugs that had entered the same alleyway, the thugs were holding some knives, crowbars, swords and guns. The thugs started catching up to slowly walking Y/n and Blake.

(Generic thug numbero uno)' Hey there lover bird's why don't you make this easy and turn around with your hands raised'

Blake insticly went for her weapon but it wasn't there she had left in her dorm, and she thought that Y/n is to drunk to fight and he didn't have his gountlet. Blake raised her hands and turned twords the thugs. Y/n just kept standing as he was.

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