Chapter 7 The conflict part 3

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3rd pow
Location Vale police department.
Blake was sitting in The interrogation room getting interrogated by the police chief, while Y/n had been put in a cell were he fell asleep. At the moment Ozpin and Glynda were heading twords the interrogation room to get Y/n and Blake out of this predicament. Ozpin entered the room.

(Ozpin)‘ Police Chief I would like you to stop the interrogation right now. And have a talk with me outside the room'

(Chief officer)‘ *Angry*Fine'
The chief leaves the room, while Glynda stays to talk with Blake. We fallow the Chiefs and Ozpins conversation. They are heading twords Y/n cell.

(Ozpin)‘ Chief I advise you to release my students‘

(Chief)‘ You call them students, ones a murderer and a long time criminal and the other is a member of the white fang.‘

(Ozpin)‘ Blake was a member but isn't anymore and Y/n is a trying to turn a new page and change his ways.‘

(Chief)‘ That doesn't change the fact that he cold heartedly and brutally killed five men.‘

(Ozpin)‘ It was out of self defence. And they weren't simple men, they were murderers and thiefs, so Y/n not only did a favour to you, and made Vale a safer place.‘

(Chief)‘ By killing them, that isn't the way justice works.‘

They had reached the cell in witch Y/n was locked up and sleeping in.

(Chief)‘ He won't be able to become a huntsman that you think you are going to make him, he'll just stay what he is now a man with a twisted way of justice and the sooner you understand that the safer Vale will be.‘

(Ozpin)‘ I'm willing to take the risk.‘

Ozpin motioned to give him the keys of the cell

(Chief)‘ Fine. If it was my way, he would rott in prison for the rest of his life.‘

(Ozpin)‘The prison can't stop him, But I can control him.‘

The police Chief gives Ozpin the keys of Y/n cell.

(Chief)‘ Your a fool if you think you can control a madman.‘ The chief walks away after those words. He passes by Glynda, she was walking twords Ozpin.

(Ozpin)‘ How was Miss Belladonna?‘

(Glynda)‘ She's a bit shockt, but she's going to be fine.‘

(Ozpin)‘ That's good to hear.‘ Ozpin starts to head closer to Y/ns cell. In it he sees Y/n sleeping.

Y/n pow.
I was sound asleep, when suddenly I heard an annoying clicking caused by high heels. I open my eyes to see that I'm locked in a cell, I look to the side to see who's standing on the others side of the bars I see Ozpin and Glynda standing there and looking at me I get up and start walking closer to the cellars doors. I stood in front of them.

(Y/n)‘So when are you getting me out?‘

(Glynda)‘ Letting you out! Are you serious? You killed five people!‘

(Y/n)‘ And your point is what? Exactly?‘

(Glynda)‘ You can't be--'

(Ozpin)‘ Glynda calm down, Y/n I'm realising you right now' Ozpin unlocks the cellars door and I walk out.

(Y/n)‘ Were to now?‘

(Glynda)‘ Your going to Beacon and your being placed under house arrest for as long as you are student of Beacon.‘

(Y/n)‘ Ozpin can I just quite Beacon and become a huntsman?‘

(Ozpin)‘No, and Glynda he isn't being placed on any house arrest. He is going to be leaving for a mission.‘

(Y/n)‘Why I'm getting a déjà vu.‘

(Ozpin)‘ What do you mean?‘

(Y/n)‘I get the feeling like someone has already told me that your going to give a mission to me.‘

(Ozpin)‘But I didn't tell anyone that.‘

(Y/n)‘ It must be just my imagination and the alcohol playing tricks on me. When I'm leaving for the mission and what's the mission.‘

(Ozpin)‘ Let's frist of all return to Beacon, then why can discuss it all.‘


Glynda didn't say nothing she still couldn't believe what Ozpin is doing.
After Blake joined us we got into a bullhead and return to Beacon the flight was a bit awkward because Glynda was glaring at me most of it and Blake wouldn't look at me at all she seemed a bit terrified from all that had happened, and me I just tried to live trough the headache. When we reached Beacon Blake was sent back to her dorm and I went with Glynda and Ozpin to his office. We entered the elevator, Glynda stood behind I could almost feel her anger seeping out of her Ozpin stood next to me as we waited for the elevator to reach the top. The elevator dings and we enter the office Ozpin goes to sit in his chair Glynda stands to his right and I stand in front his table.

(Y/n)‘ So what dirty work you whant me to do?‘

(Ozpin)‘ Why do you think it's going to be not legal?‘

(Y/n)‘ Because the main reason you chose me is that I don't care about laws and I'm not going to sell you out for all the illegal shit you order me to do.‘

(Ozpin)‘ I can assure you this mission isn't going to be illegal it just going to be not something that everyone can handle.‘

(Y/n)‘ So I'm going to kill someone who is it?‘

(Ozpin)‘ It's not specifically someone, you'll have to find out about a new group that calls themself Talon.‘

(Y/n)‘ And why are they so important.‘

(Ozpin)‘ Well they did try to assassinate Jacques Schnee the owner of the Schnee dust company.‘

(Y/n)‘ They didn't succeeded, so why do you whant to learn about them?‘

(Ozpin)‘ Well I just have this suspicions about them that they are more than  what they might seem at the moment, and the name they choose it interests me.‘

What do you know of us Ozpin. Well this puts me in real predicament

(Y/n)‘ Mabe you have some hint for me were to get the information from.‘

(Ozpin)‘ Well we only know that they are mostly located at Atlas so your going to be transported there.‘

(Y/n)‘ Well I certainly didn't think I would return to that dump that soon. And what then.‘

(Ozpin)‘ I don't have anything to help you, your going to have to find out everything else yourself.‘

(Y/n)*sarcastic*‘ Well that's going to be pretty easy when I'm one of the most wanted criminals in the kingdom of Atlas.‘

(Ozpin)*smiles*‘ You'll manage it.‘

(Y/n)‘ When I'm leaving.‘

(Ozpin)‘ You will be leaving in two days.‘

(Y/n)‘ Well then I'm going to go on my way.‘ I turn around and start to head out.

(Ozpin)‘ Before you leave Y/n, Glynda could you make sure that Y/n reaches and  stays in his dorm.‘
I try to run but purple light surrounds me.

(Glynda)‘ It will be my pleasure.‘

(Y/n)‘ Sadistic bitch---' Duck tape covers my mouth and Glynda start delivering me to the dorm.

This chapter somehow became this, like at the start I imagined it being completely different but somehow it got to this. Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter and bey for now.

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