Chapter 5 The conflict Part 1

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Y/n pow
Happening the next day. after chapter 4.
The day was going great lessons were about to end and I would of went ro Vale to check it out, but I was interrupted by an annoying brat and her team

(Ruby)‘ Brother, wait!‘

(Y/n)‘ Don't call me your brother!‘

(Ruby)‘ Why are you so angry twords your family.‘

Hearing those words makes my blood boil.

(Y/n)‘ You are not my family and you never were it!‘

(Ruby)‘ What wrong did we do to you brother?‘

After that question Yang seemed to get nervous.

(Y/n)‘ What's wrong! What wrong did you do!!! Are you serious!!!‘ But then it hit me she never knew Taiyang and Yang kep it hidden from her and she was really young so even if she saw some of it she mostly forgot about it ever happening.‘ *evil laugh* Brat I'll give you an advice if you don't want you little world of a fantasy to be broken you'll stop pursuing me, you understand that , but if you, all of you, continue to interrupt me or trie to find out about my past I'll crush you, mostly you Yang, won't I?*Laughs again*‘ walks away.

3rd pow

(Weiss)‘ What was that?‘

(Blake) speaking to herself‘ So he found out about me asking Ozpin about him.‘

(Ruby)‘ what does it all mean, Yang do you know what was he talking about?‘

Yang was lost in her thought wen Ruby asked her that so she jumped from the surprise.

(Yang)‘ Ahhmm..... I have to speak to Y/n' and she ran after Y/n.

(Weiss)‘ Why was Yang acting so not Yang like'

(Blake)‘ You think she knows something that we don't.‘

(Ruby)‘ What no she would of told me.‘

(Weiss)‘ Are you sure about that?‘

(Ruby)‘ Yes I'm sure she is my sister and she would never lie  to me.‘

Y/n pow
I was walking tword the bullhead, surprisingly there weren't any people around. I hear someone running twords me so I turn twords the sound.

(Y/n)‘ You must be really stupid or really brave to do this'

(Yang)‘ Y/n I'm---'

(Y/n)‘ What your sorry! I don't care if you are, to me it doesn't change anything.‘

(Yang)‘ Please Y/n you can't tell Ruby about that'

(Y/n)‘*laughs* Someone give me a camera so I could record the all mighty Yang xiao long pleading for me.‘

(Yang) *angry*‘ Don't mocke me' her eyes turned red.

(Y/n)‘ Watch your tongue‘ you grab her by the neck, lift her up and slam her in to the wall that was near you.‘ You don't want to make the big bad wolf angry, I might take your little red riding hood, and there won't be any huntsman in this story.‘ She is trying to get out from my gripe but she is starting to lose her consciences and starts to get weaker every second , I let go she fall dow on the ground‘ Pathetic, no wonder why Raven left you.‘

(Yang)‘ don't speak like that! You don't know nothing about her.‘

(Y/n)‘ Oh but I do know more than you. I know were she is.'

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