Chapter 1 escape and the purpose

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Y/n pow
This night  at 2 am, the guards will be at their worst, thanks to Talons influence. My block will only have two guards, and on of them is a rookie that joined only a week ago. It will be the perfect time for a break out, how am i going to do it? Well that's pretty easy at 2 am I'll start making a lot of noise the rookie will be sent to check on me, for certain he will stand by the North wall. What do i do then you might wonder I punch the wall as simple as that, my fist will breakdowns the wall knocking the guard on the other side of the wall, a lot of dust will go in the air so the guard at the security room won't have a choice, but to go and check what's happening  I'll wait for him by the corner and wen he reaches it boom he's out. Then I need to get a car and a security card with a similar face tho mine, the night will help, it will hide my face a little so it will be harder to notice that it me. Drive trough the gate I'll mostly have 4 minutes left till the alarm. Get out of the watch towers sight and pedal to the metal.
I smile while thinking about that. I'm glad that Talons influence made them reduce the security on the building.
I was sitting in the yard while thinking about that. Unknown to me one of the prison gangs were about to dish out there revenge on my for beating them up. I feel a sudden pain in my back as I quickly roll forwards, stand up and turn around to face the attackers.
(Y/n)‘Didn't you guys get enough last time‘
They were monkey faunus that used to be part of white fang.
(Prisoner 1)‘ Your going to regret ever messing with us Doomfist‘
(Prisoners 2&3)‘ Yeah what he said‘
(Y/n)‘ I guess your not the smartest bunch in the yard‘ other prisoners started backing away so that they wouldn't get involved with the Doomfist.‘ Okay bring it you over grown monkeys‘ All of them were monkey faunus so they got reall pist off about that.
(Prisoner 1)‘ Now you don it, we will ripe you to shreds‘
They charge at me, the one with a knife first. He goes for a forward stab that i simply side step to the side. I decide to give him a week tap with my fist. I punch him while holding back as much as I can, an there he goes sliding across the yard until he hits the fence, huh he went further than I expected. I should hold back a bit more, I don't need the guards to be that much fearfull around me. The two others look back at there knock out friend.
(Y/n)‘ The second one always charge like an idiot, and the last on runs away'
And there goes the second one charging at me with his fist ready I don't bother to dodge. His fist connects with my face. The prisoner smiles but that smile faded away quickly as the punch did no damage to me. I kneed him in the guts. And he fell down unconscious to the ground

(Prisoner 3)Scared‘Look man I'm sorry this wasn't my idea‘ he said before turning around and running

(Y/n)‘ said so' after those words I feel an electric shock go trough my body. Mumbling‘ Now you decided to sow up'
As i look up to see the warden walking twords me.

(Warden)‘ look what mess you made Doomfist‘ he said while smiling. To the guards‘ carry them all to there cell'.

Time skip to 2 am
Rookies guards pow
Location security room
I'm planning cards with the other guard wen I start to hear an annoying sound like something is hitting a wall.
(Rookie guard)‘Do you here that, it's so good dam annoying‘
(Guard 2)‘Yeah it's annoying me to' after that he slides with his chair to check the cameras‘ Rookie could you go check on block C cell 22'
(Rookie guard)‘ Why me' I get no answer just him moving his had up and down insisting me to go‘ Fine'
I leave the security room as i head twords the cell that's is making noise. As I was about tho reach it I heard a cracking sound and everything went black.
2 guards pow
What the hell was that. I think  as I'm running out from security room to go check on the rookie. As i come up on the last corner. I fell like a train hits me and sends my flying , I pass out wen i hit the wall.
Y/n pow
Well that was easy. Well i better hurry up. The next guard shift will be here in 20 minutes. I take one of the guards key cards and hed to there locker room. Common there has to be an uniform that fits my and witch locker is the guards that has a similar face to mine. Found it now quickly put it on. I finally run out to the parking lot and star checking the cars. I stop in front  the warden one it's perfect I'll take it just to pis him of even more. I hot wire it. Yes it purrs nicely. Now let's get to the gate. I stop next to the check point.
(Guard)‘ Please show me your papers‘ he said while shining a flash light in my face.‘
(Y/n)‘Here they are' I said while giving them.
He looks at them back at me back at them back at me.
(Guard)‘Everything seems to be fine. Your fine to go' he gives them back to me' Have a nice night sir'
(Y/n)‘You to' I said before driving away.
3 pow
Few minutes later the alarms in the prison start blaring. But by the time Y/n was far gone. The warden could be seen screaming at the gourds
Time skip next week
Y/n pow
I had to ditch the car when I reached the first town and cut my hair so no one would recognize me. Now I'm in a weapons shop checking if there is a something fithing me here so far I was only interested in Desert Eagle .45 Long Colt / .410 Shotgun Load Pistol. For now it will fit.
(Y/n)‘ How much for this'
(Shopkeeper)‘ 10000 lien'
That's a lot. It was smart to take the guards money when i was in the locker room.
(Y/n)‘ I'll take it' I sai as i put down a 10500 lien' and ad some ammunition while at it'
(Authors note; I haven't ever bought a gun but i think when you buy it they give you some bullets like for free like a single box of them, right?)
(Shopkeeper)‘ I'm on it sir' he turned around to face the small boxes of ammunition.‘What tipe of dust bullet would you like, sir?‘

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