Chapter 8. "Ohh that looks painful, you might need some Weiss for that."

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Y/n pow.
I decided that the best way to avoid confrontation with team RWBY is to fall asleep while Glynda is carrying me, with her semblance, to the dorm.
3rd pow.
We can see Glynda and Y/n finally reaching team RWBY dorm. Glynda noticed that Y/n was asleep, to get him awakened she threw him in to the dorm rooms door but that didn't awaken Y/n.
Location switches to the inside of the dorm.
Everyone inside the room can hear as something crashed in to the door.
(Ruby)‘ Should we go check that out?‘
(Weiss)‘ I'll go see.‘
Weiss walks to the dorm door and opens it and she is met with a seven feet tall man falling on her. She screams, Ruby, Yang and Blake rush to help her as they lift the man and see that it Y/n and that he is asleep. Miss Goodwitch anther the room.
(Glynda)‘Well he is your problem not mine‘ and she exits and closes the door
Weiss has gotten up, her face was really red.
(Ruby)‘ Girls what are we going to do with Y/n'
Blake and Yang let Y/n go and Y/n falls to the ground and they go to there beds Weiss returned to studying. Y/n now is laying face first on the ground.
(Ruby)‘ We can't leave him like that.‘
(Blake)‘ I don't whant anything to do with him.‘
(Yang)‘Yes we can, and were leaving him like that.‘
(Ruby)‘ How can you say that he is our brother.‘
(Yang)‘ You remember what Blake told us, he is our brother but he is also a murderer and a criminal, now go back to what you were doing before and don't interact with Y/n.‘
(Weiss)‘ I can't believe that I'm saying this but Yang is right, Ruby you should stay away from Y/n.‘
Ruby get really sad.
(Ruby)‘ Okay, I will.‘ and she returns to what she was doing.
Time skip to next day.
Y/n pow.
I wake up feeling like some threw me dow a hill, go to hell Glynda. After getting up from the ground I check the time to see it still pretty early in the morning, I look around and see were I'm. Well shit I'm in team RWBY dorm, well I should get out of here as soon as possible I leave and head twords the cafeteria to check if it open or wait till it open. While walking to the cafeteria I encountered Ozpin.
(Ozpin)‘Good morning Y/n how was your night.‘
(Y/n)‘As good as a night can be when your forced to sleep in the same room as the people you hate. Well at least I didn't kill anyone so that's a pluse.‘
(Ozpin)‘That's good to hear. And Y/n today in the combat class your going to be facing against a team.‘
(Y/n)‘ Why exactly?‘
(Ozpin)‘ To make sure you haven't gotten to rusty because the prison.‘
(Y/n)‘ Well I can assure you that it's unnecessary, I'm completely fine. And I have already proven myself.‘
(Ozpin)‘ I just have the feeling that your mission will require more than dealing with some thugs, I think your going to have to face of against opponents of huntsman leve of strength.‘
(Y/n)‘ Well if that's what you whant, just don't hold me accountable for what happens to you students.‘
(Ozpin)‘ You should worry more about yourself than the student your going to face.‘
(Y/n)‘ If you say so I might just not hold back as much.‘
And I walk away from Ozpin.
Time skip to combat class
3rd pow.
Y/n could be seen sitting and waiting to when he is going to be called out.
(Glynda)‘ And the final match of today's class will be Y/n Doomfist against Weiss Schnee.‘
We can see as Weiss for a second becomes even whiter than she is. And she isn't the only one everyone in team RWBY seem to get worried for Weiss, and the worries aren't just for nothing everyone that knows of Y/ns criminal past knows that you have a hatred twords the Schnee. Well Y/n actually doesn't  but the people do think that Y/n has and Y/n is going to use that for his advantage. Y/n heads twords the fight ring? Arena? I don't know what it really called. Y/n was first to get ready so now he is waiting for Weiss to show up, she is taking an awfully long time.  She finally show up at the fighting area.
(Y/n)‘ I was wondering if you had chicken out.‘
(Weiss)‘ That's preposterous.‘
(Y/n)‘ I wouldn't call you a coward if you did, because that would of been a smart chose.‘
(Glynda)‘ Are both fighters ready?‘
(Weiss)‘ Will you keep running you mouth or are we going to start? I'm ready!‘
(Y/n)‘ Well if you whant to die so badly I won't keep you waiting. I'm also ready!‘
(Weiss)‘ Wait wha---'
(Glynda)‘ BEGIN!‘
Y/n runs tword Weiss, that's had been surprised by Y/n openly admitting that he is going to try and kill her.
But Weiss didn't allow those word to scare her as she froze the ground under Y/n. Y/n response was to hulk smash  the ground causing the terrain to become uneven, the arena had a lot of dust rise in the air making it har to see from outside of it, and a lot of spiky hills rose up. It also makes Weiss lose her footing, because of that she lost Y/n from her sight, Y/n uses that time to hide and set up an ambush. Weiss quickly gets up and starts to frantically look around.
(Y/n)*His voice sounds like it's coming from everywhere*‘ I wonder Weiss...... what would Winter do if.......‘
(Weiss)‘ Show yourself coward!‘
(Y/n)‘ I broke your legs...... beat you halfway to death.......‘
Weiss started to show signs of fear, her hands were shaking she was looking around really fast and her eyes showed signs of fear.
(Y/n)‘took a video  of you..... begin for  me to finaly end you......‘
(Weiss)‘ Your a psycho, people like you should be in prison.‘
(Y/n)‘sent it to her..... would she come...... or is she like...... the rest of your family..... would she only think...... what a disappointment you are......‘
(Weiss)‘ She never would think like that about me.‘ a shape could be seen coming out from the dust cloud.
(Y/n)*From behind of Weiss*‘ Let's put that to a test.‘ Weiss tries to turn around in time and block the attack but she doesn't make an gets hit with the full force getting sent flying and hitting one of the hills that rose from the ground earlier. More dust rose inthe air making it hard to see for Weiss. Weiss tries to get her bearings and see were Y/n is. Y/n charges trough the dust that just rose from Weiss hitting the hill he see that Weiss has gotten up and is preparing to get back in the fight. Y/n goes for a slam on were Weiss is standing. Weiss looks up to see Y/n falling twords her she use her glyphs to help her move out of the way of Y/ns attack, after Y/ns attack was dodged and he landed on the glyphs the colour of it changed to black shade of blue making it so that Y/n can't move his legs. After Weiss gets Y/n stuck with her glyphs she uses them to move around and get behind Y/n, to deliver an surprise attack. Even if Y/n can't move his legs he still can move most of his uper body and he gets the feeling like he sould move his upper body to the side and he does so and surprise surprise Weiss flies by and gets her weapon stuck in between the large rouble in fron of Y/n. Weiss tries to get her weapon free but Y/n stops that by hitting her   with a full force upper cut, she is sent flying in the air above the cloud of dust that was covering most of the arena. All other students can see that and they cringe and look away because they know thats gotta hurt. Y/n after sending Weiss flying in to the air notices that the glyphs effect broke and he could move his legs again. Y/n looked up to find were Weiss was but because of all the dust that was in the air he couldn't see her, so he closed his eyes and started to focus on his hearing. Weiss after recovering from the hit found herself falling dow so she used her glyphs as platforms to get down without hurting herself and making little sound. Weiss started to walk around as quite as she could with her higheels there was a lot of dust in the air that obstructed her vision and a lot of hills of rubble that could be used to set up a ambush. Weiss loaded her weapon with wind dust(the dust that she uses in the fight with the trumpet guy) and used it to move all the dust so it doesn't obstruct her vision. Y/n was still standing still and listening to the surroundings when he heard and felt a large gust of wind that came from over the hill of rubble, he heads twords it when he gets close to the top he doesn't jump to the other side he cautiously check what's on the others side of it. Y/n stand over the top.
(Y/n)*shouting*‘ Ready to surrender or will you continue to ride pain train.‘
(Weiss)‘ I will never surrender to scumbag like you.‘
(Y/n)‘ Those are some brave words..... I'm going to make sure that you regret them---' an ice shard hit Y/n in the face. Y/n face changed from a cocky smile to a frown.
(Y/n)‘ That's was rude and uncalled for.‘ Y/n was trying to hold back his anger and not show it in his words.
(Weiss)‘ Serves you right.‘
Y/n lunges his gountlet in to the ground grabs and lifts a bigh chunke of ground thats shaped almost like square  and trows it to Weiss. Weiss seeing what Y/n doing starts to run to her right. Weiss gets her sight on Y/n obstructed by the trown chunke of the floor. Y/n predicts that Weiss would run to her right so he runs tword there while readying a punch, his prediction comes true as Weiss is now right in front of him. Y/n delivers his full powered punch sending her crashing trough all the rubble, that was raised during the start of the fight, and she flies out of the arena and hits the wall, her colliding with the wall causes crater and cracks to appear all around it. Weiss falls out from the crater and hits the ground unconscious, it's possible to she that she was badly damaged by that attack. Y/n jumped out from the rekt arena and starts to walk twords Weiss other members of team RWBY jump in the auditorium(is that what you call the area around the arena in the combat class?) they stand in front of Weiss stopping Y/n from getting to her.
(Glynda)‘ The mach is over, Y/n Doomfist is the winner. Class is over everyone can leave.‘
She walks close to unconscious Weiss end her team.
(Glynda)‘ You should bring her to the nurse.‘
Weiss gets picked up by Yang and all of them run out in a hurry.
(Glynda)‘ And you Y/n I hope you won't let this happen again, or there will be consequences do you understand hold back during practice matches.‘
(Y/n)‘ What makes you think that I wasn't holding back, I could of squashed her with a single hit.‘Y/n walks out of the class.
The way he said that made Glyndas back hair stand it didn't sound like some one boasting about there strength it sounded like he is just stating a fact.

I hope you liked the chapter, I know it was just a filler that I used so you, my dear reader, could say what you think of the way I write the fight scenes, so say it to me if you see what could be changed in them. Written by Madness(that's how I reefer to myself)to you with my best regards. And also this chapter will be the only one to be a bit longer the next chapter will be the same size as the previous ones

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