Part 2

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Carson got released from the hospital the next day. I got released two days after he did. It was boring in the hospital without Carson being there. All I could do was watch TV. And let me tell after being in the hospital for 3 weeks and 5 days you pretty much just rewatch the same thing over and over again. When I finally got released I couldn't help but be jealous of Carson. Carson got released two days before I did and when he left he got to walk out of the hospital. I couldn't walk for two reasons. 1:  I was in so much pain from my torn hamstring. 2: The doctor said no walking. At first I was fine with it because my leg hurt but then when I tried to wheel myself around I couldn't, because of my broken collarbone. So I couldn't walk and I had to be wheeled around. I felt so powerless, I felt weak, I felt useless. And I decided, I hate that feeling so after I'm healed I will never feel this way again.

7 days Carson had to go back to the hospital to get his stitches removed. He came back with adhesive strips on his left forearm. All I did was look at his arm until he got uncomfortable "It's-it's-it's, umm to make sure that the-the wound continues to get stronger without having stitches."

Carson's broken pinky only took 6 weeks to heal. And for 4 of those weeks his ring finger and pinky were taped together it was kinda funny seeing him try to write since he is a righty. My collarbone took 8 weeks to heal completely. While my torn hamstring took 10 weeks to heal. And I had to do physical therapy, but the good news is I only have to do it 4 weeks and it's only an hour on weekdays!

    Skip to end of physical therapy

I've been staying in the guest room on the bottom floor of the Inc's house. I mean it's a nice room and all but I can't wait to see my room! I was talking to Mrs.Inc I mean I was talking to Vanessa. It's weird to call her Vanessa rather then Mrs.Inc but she insist.

"Aria dear, I just wanted to let you know that none of your stuff has been unpacked it's all upstairs ready to be unpacked." Vanessa called up the stairs as I was running, well more like limping at a fast pace to my room.

    "That fine Vanessa, I prefer to unpack my stuff myself." I chirp down the stairs. Honestly I'm so happy that they didn't unpack any of my stuff, I don't feel comfortable with people I still don't know that well going threw my stuff.

Three hours of unpacking

I finally finished packing! And this is what my room ends up looking like! I love the way it turned out way better than my old room!

      I finally finished packing! And this is what my room ends up looking like! I love the way it turned out way better than my old room!

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      That's what my room looks like on the other side I have a bookcase and a trophy case.

    "Carson! Aria! Can you two come downstairs please? We need to talk to you guys." Yelled Vanessa.

    I suddenly become nervous I don't know why I didn't do anything wrong. I walk out to find out Carson's room is right next to mine we exchange a confused/nervous look and walk down stairs to the living room. When we get down there Vanessa and Kale look so disappointed and mad at Carson and I and I can't help but think I messed up somehow. Soon a smile breaks out on Vanessa's face and the married couple starts laughing. "Sorry, we were gonna scare you two but I couldn't go threw with it. Do you two know why my wife and I called you down?" Carson and I just shook our heads no. "Well as summer is coming to a end." I flinched at that. I spend most of my summer in a hospital or healing from injuries. "We wanted to kinda reward you, you know like welcoming you both back injury free. Well, umm mostly injury free sorry Aria, forgot about you concussion." I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "Well you guys can have what do kids call them these days? Is it still a sleepover? I think so. Well you both can have up to three friends over but don't feel forced to have three friends over." He said.

    "Thank you Mr.Inc! I mean thank you Kale!" I already have in mind the friends I want to invite over, however there's only two of them! I run upstairs to text them.

I'm sorry that this chapter isn't as that good, I'm also sorry for the photo quality of her bedroom. I know this chapter is boring and it just kinda seemed like Aria was complaining the whole time and I'm sorry about that. But other then that I hope you like this chapter! This chapter is 777 words! And don't forget to like this chapter!

XOXO, Riley

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