shall we race ? ( kilos X reader )

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you : yessssssss !!!

you scream as you were enjoying the air passing by you as you were running 

cele : and (y/n) wins again !

you : whooho ! that was fun !

luna : you are really first !

cyto : have to say kid your good !

blaze : i want a re-match 

 atom   : oh look blaze is jelous of (y/n) because she is a whole lot faster than him !

blaze : no i am not !

you : it's okay i will have a rematch with blaze 

blaze : ok 

and for 4 hours you and blaze raced throughout  the Xhour but if someone came first it was you . You were one of the newest units made by luni and you were a speed racer , you were even faster than wind . When you discovered your powers you decided to live in Xhour as it was like home to you and from that day you lived there 

you :blaze ready for another rematch ?

blaze : no thank  you 

he said as he was breathing heavily 

blaze : i think i have done enough racing for today i need to get some rest 

atom : so the fire has finally cooled down !

blaze : what do you mean ?

atom : nothing 

cele : bye (y/n) 

luna : see you tommorow 

cyto : bye bye 

atom : bye 

blaze : get ready for tommorow i will win the race 

you : bye guys see you soon 

you waved and started running towards your house but something passed by you in a blink of eye , it was a whole lot faster 

you : what was it ?

you couldn't even get a glimpse of that thing as it was so fast 

you returned to your house but you couldn't sleep you kept thinking about it whole night , it was not easy for you to accept that someone in Xhour is more faster than you as you lived in Xhour for more than a month and you were the fastest of all.

*next day*

luna : you ready for another race (y/n) ?

you : .....

luna : (Y/n) ?

you : oh! yes 

luna : something happened ? you look a bit upset 

you : no it's nothing....

luna : you know you can tell me if you want maybe i can help you 

you : yesterday when i was running through the streets something just passed by me , it was thousand times faster than me 

luna :  i am not are the fastest person in Xhour how can someone get faster than you ? did you see it ?

you : no it was too fast but it was something bright like ...yellow !

luna : hmmmm maybe i know who is it 

you : really ?

luna : yup follow me !

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