Fandoms ! ( Ichi X Lucas )

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Ellie : this ice cream is good ~ Yukino your ice cream is melting ...

Summoner : *licks ice cream *...

me : *clicks picture* I have to take pictures first 

Ellie : what pictures ?

summoner and Ellie looks at the pictures

Ellie : ....

Summoner : ...

Some random pictures of 

Nova trying to kill Reed 

Phantom and cyko kissing 

Melody and kimi holding hands 

eve playing volleyball

luni and melnya having a nice family picnic with  Elsie 

keito and luiselle having a passionate time 

shiro eating fish 

Reddox trying to surf 

a yellow bob 

Ellie : some of these are okay but others are ....!

Me : excuse me ?

Ellie : you shouldn't be taking someone's photo without their permission ...especially private moments like kissing !

Me : that's my passion !

Ellie : taking photos ?

Me : taking yaoi and yuri photos are my speciality .

Ellie : you are a creep .

Summoner : ...

??? : Heyyyyyyyyy

Ellie : Ichi !

Ichi : what's up  guys ?

Summoner : ....

Ichi : hey summoner why are you looking at me like that ? Perhaps you want my autograph ~

Summoner : *shooks head *

me : HEY !

Ichi : yes ?

Me : You love Lucas ?

Ichi : WHAT ????

Me : Lucas X Ichi !!!!

Ichi : no no no no no no no kid you are getting it all wrong .

Ellie : but lucas X Ichi is a popular ship .

Ichi : look man the fandom really loves yaoi so I had to go along with them just like phantom acts that he likes cyko for the sake of fandom !

Ellie : you shouldn't have ...

Summoner : O-O 

me : take it back ....TAKE IT BACK !!! *points gun  at ichi* PHANTOM LOVES CYKO !!!! 

ichi : oops I forgot she is a Fujoshi ....*runs way *

Ellie : you broke her heart 

Summoner :  ....

 after 1 hour 

*Knock Knock *

lucas : who's there ?


Lucas : it's open 

Ichi : *nervously opens the door * 

Lucas : ....

Ichi : lucas let me hide in your room for sometime 

Lucas ; did something happen ?

Ichi : I angered a Fujoshi ! Now she is after my life !!!

LUcas : how ?

Ichi : I said phantom X cyko ship isn't real . Phantom is just doing it for fandom !

Lucas : You are not supposed to say that ! Plus phantom is getting close to cyko .

Ichi : I don't care . She is going to end my life .* shivers and hides  under the bed *

* Boom * 

me : Where are you Ichi ? Tehehe . I will find you ~

Ichi : LUcas help me !!!

Lucas :w-what am I supposed to do now ?

Me : are you hiding here ? *knocks on the door*

Ichi : lucas kiss me !

Lucas : n-no ! are you sick ?

Ichi : My life depends on it !!!!

Me : *breaks open the door * found you .

Ichi : *grabs lucas's shirt* we did it for fandom now let's do it again for my life !

lucas :*is red and confused *

Me : *points gun * Nobody messes with my ship !

Ichi : KISS ME ! 

Me : 3...2...


Lucas grabs Ichi's scarf and pulls him to kiss 


after couple of seconds the pull apart ...

Ichi : *red * ummm 

Lucas : *red and panting * n-no way we ...

me : you should have told me earlier ! bye and thanks for the photo !*walks away *

Lucas : *coughing * why !!!!!

Ichi : *blushing * i-it was better than what I expected....

Lucas : *blushing * shut up !!! You just took away my first kiss !!!

Ichi :* blushing * it was my first too ...

Lucas :  O/////O 

Ichi :  >////< 

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