I don't care ! ( Dj Vinyl X reader )

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Loud music was hurting your ears and making you feel dizzy ! You felt like you will become deaf in a minute !

you stood all alone in a corner with you back against the wall , trying to avoid eye contract with the peoples and talking to someone !

You didn't like these type of places with lots and lots of people , loud music , and non stop chatting noises of the people . But you had to come to this place name "Club Vinyl " just for your friend Ellie who always wanted to visit a club and dance all night .

You : *sighs*I wonder where Ellie went .. I want to get out of these place as soon as possible !

You looked around and spotted Ellie in the middle of some teenagers who were too busy in dancing .

you : there she is !

You push your way through the crowd trying your best not not collide with someone on your way .

But still you tumbled over something on your way and lost your balance !

you closed your eyes tightly and got prepared cause It was gonna hurt a lot but you felt like someone grabbed your jacket tightly not letting you fall .

???: you okay ?

you opened your eyes

you : vinyl ?

Vinyl : YO ! It's been a while ! *smiles*

you : yeah , it's been a while *smiles back *

Vinyl : so what are you doing here ? I thought you didn't like crowded places .

you : yeah..I am here because of Ellie 

Vinyl : I see , You are really a good friend !

You : *Blushes * W-Well....

Vinyl : Follow me *grabs your hand *

You : Wait...

you knew vinyl for quite sometime , after the Ultimate record case was over Lyte Introduced you to him . You had a crush on him but you never said anything to him.

vinyl brought you in front of a door 

vinyl : wanna see something Interesting ?

You : interesting ?

Vinyl opened the door and walked inside the room , You followed him 

The room was very dark but Vinyl switched on the lights 

you couldn't believe what you saw  

The room was full of headphones , music CDs , some papers and Lots of golden trophies .

You walked around and picked up a music CD .

you : this music is my favorite , i used to listen it all time ! But it's a very rare Music CD , from where did you get it ?

Vinyl smiled 

Vinyl : I have all the best music CDs of these world , it's my collection !

You : And those trophies ? Are all those yours?

Vinyl : yeah .

you : picked up a shiny Trophy and rubbed it lightly with your fingers 

Vinyl : that's one for the best DJ in Gacha world ! 

you : you are a lot more younger than other DJs .It's takes talent to become the best .

Vinyl : It needs 2 % of talent , 1% of luck and 97 % of hard work !

You placed the trophy back to its place and looked at your watch .

You : It's getting late now .

Vinyl : I will drop you to your house !

you : no it's a-alright ,  i can go by myself .

Vinyl : I can't leave a young lady all alone when it's so late , can I ?

You : *blushes *...

you two walked back to the place where you left Ellie

Ellie was lying on the ground Unconscious , maybe she drank too much 

Vinyl laughed a little .

Then he walked you and Ellie home .

You had to carry Ellie all the way but since she was light as feather you had no problem !

you : we are here .

Vinyl : ok then .

You : Thanks for waking me home and saving me at that time .

Vinyl : When did I save you ?

You: you didn't let me fall down at that time .

Vinyl :*laughs * don't mention it ! 

You : It's was really good to talk with you .

Vinyl : yeah. You should often visit me in my club .

You : No way , I am almost deaf ! 

Vinyl leans forward to your ears .

Vinyl : I mean when no one is around . Only you and me.

You felt like heat rising up to your Head .

You : *blushes *V-Vinyl I am not S-sure What y-you mean....

Vinyl tilts his head and suddenly kisses you on your lips .

You were shocked .

After a while he separated his lips from yours and gave a smirk .

Vinyl : I think that you have some idea now . I know that you like me.

you blushed heavily , you brain couldn't cope up with the events .

Vinyl : I am free tomorrow , I will be waiting for you .Goodnight (y/n) !

And by saying so he waved his hands at you .

THE END and Oh here is a music video for you ! Created by yours truly~

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