Apples ! ( Jace X Reader )

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Gardening was your hobby . you grew different types of flowers and fruits and vegetables in your garden . You earned enough from your garden to sustain yourself . Life was good . But for few days you noticed that some of your fruits and vegetables were disappearing one by one . The next day almost all of your apples disappeared . You worked , day and night to grow those red , sweet , juicy apples but now someone is stealing them unfairly . You had enough . You had to catch the stupid thief tonight .There were many other apple trees  , the thief will definitely come again to steal them . You set up a trap around the tree which had the most apples and waited for night . 

The night finally came , you were dozing off in a nearby bush but the noises of branches and leaves woke you up . You came out from your hiding place  and spot someone moving around the trap , trying to escape .

You : Finally I caught you .  Did you think you can get away with stealing everytime ?

??? : Let's see .

The stranger cut those ropes with a dagger and landed on his feet .You  get nervous , your plan didn't work and you are not good in hand to hand combat and the man was way too powerful than you . But you can't just let him escape like that . You picked up a broom and tried to make a clean hit on his head but he dodged smoothly . You lost your balance and fell down . 

??? : Next time try harder .

He chuckled and pulled a rope and tied you up in a high branch .

You : Hey let me go !

He ran off in the dark 

It was early morning and you somehow managed to come down from the tree .All night your struggled to get rid of those ropes while bitten by mosquitoes. You looked at yourself in the mirror . You looked horrible , your hair was a mess, your eyes are droopy .

You heard a knock in your door 

You : customers !

You open the door and see a white haired male .

You : What would you like sir ? We have fresh cherries , ripe pumpkins and tomatoes 

??? : you have apples ?

You : yes 

??? : I will have one basket 

You : sure .

You pick up some apples and put them in a basket and then weight them .

You : That will be 26 gold coins , sir .

You place the basket in front of him . 

He picked up an apple and munched on it .

??? : by the way miss you look terrible did you had trouble with those ropes ?

you : Yes it was har-

??? : Hard right ?

You : How did you ?

??? : you have such a bad memory , we met yesterday night , and you already forgot about me ?

you : so it was you , well you made a big mistake showing up yourself at this broad daylight . 

You picked up your broom again , this type you are not going to repeat the same mistake .

You made aim  for his leg at first , he kept dodging , jumping , running around making you confused .  He suddenly stopped in middle , you approached him with all your strength . But he grabbed your broom and pulled you towards him . The next moment you were in his arms .

??? : You should be more careful , afterall you're a girl .

He whispered in your ear 


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