Reincarnation ! ( sol X reader )

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sol's pov *

everytime i close my eyes in this dark and cold world , i can see my beloved (y/n)'s face .....

her beautiful smile , warmth and sweet voice .........

the time we spent together , the things we did together everything just disappears into a cloud  of dust and moves away from me ......................

i still remember the first time i saw her , i was a  new unit in gacha world , i don't know how i got there , i didn't remember my past not even my name .........

i only new this that my purpose was to serve luni and help her create a world named " gacha world " , soon enough luni with my help created the world ....

once  i was walking through the gacha woods , and there i meet her ...(y/n) the goddess of nature ...

i feel in love with her in first sight , her beautiful long hair blowing in the wind , her soft smile .....

at first it was hard for me to earn her trust , she was very cautious but soon we became good friends and after that lovers ...

i still remember that sometimes she would lean against my shoulder  , many days we would walk through gacha woods holding hands ....sometimes we even kissed each other ....

but all those happy days came to an end when luni found out about our relationship !

i don't know why she didn't allow me to love (y/n) and why did she locked me up for 100 years , i never even bothered to find out , the only thing that was on my mind is to see (y/n) again !

i was locked up so didn't knew what was going on but luni told me that there is a war coming closer , i was worried about my precious (y/n) , i prayed for her saftey .........

but after i was free again i heard a news that (y/n) died during the war .......the moment i heard it , my heartbeat stopped , i couldn't think anything , it felt like the world stopped .......i became mad ....i lost (y/n) ......

after that i don't remember anything in particular ..only that the gacha summoner defeated me and luni locked me up in another dimension....i just want to see (y/n)..

??? : you wish will come true 

sol : huh ? who is that ?

a portal opened *

sol : how did a portal opened in here ?

sol enters in the portal and reaches another world , Gachaverse 

??? : welcome sol !

sol : who are u ? 

?? : i am vii and this is gachaverse summoner 

sol : gachaverse summoner ?

vill : looks like you have been asleep for many years , well now it is time to become useful 

sol : huh ?

vill :don't worry i will explain u everything !

( a long time skip brought u my i am too lazy to write everything UWU )

( after the war got over GV Killed GS , vill killed Ellie and Gv became the new king , whatever )

vii : here as i promised 

vii handed a beautiful star to sol 

vii : just think about the person you want to reincarnate and she will appear before u 

sol : thanks 

sol closes his eyes and starts to think about (y/n) 

???: sol ?

sol hears a very familiar voice which he had longed to hear  

sol : (y/n)???

you : yes 

sol : (y/n) ..i missed you so much * starts to cry *

you : i know i missed you too * run and hugs sol *

sol : i am so happy to see you again *hugs back * this time i promise i will never ever leave you 

the end !

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