The Downfall.

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It's been happening for a few days now. I still can't figure out why. Am I being used? Why am I overthinking this too much.

I've been thinking lately, Could it be that the reason she's doing all these things is so that Marc would stop pursuing her? Am I just a pawn in her sick little games?!

Im losing my mind thinking about the things that aren't meant to be a big deal. Maybe I should just make the most out of it? This is around the 4th to 5th day and she's stopped with the flirting. I'll just send her a message

"Hey, wanna keep it going?"

Seen 8:02 pm

Oh god do i regret that.


"Hey, Tell me when you've fallen for me😂"

What does she mean by that?  Is she catching up to me?.... Hopefully.... hopefully.... she... Oh god I don't know.

After that day, she stopped calling me sweetiepie and referred to me with my first name instead. It's starting to be over once again.

These had happen at 9:03 pm

I didn't know what to do , everything was now over and I didn't want it to be , All the happy moments that I've felt and will ever feel is now going to disappear. All of it, over. 
Though I can't say I didn't see it coming, it's the best thing thats ever happened to me so far in my life. Everything before this has been the most boring part of my life and something finally interesting happened and it doesn't last more than a few days? No. Not on my watch. Im going to straight up court her. But not so fast, i'll take it slow and steady , as should everything else be in this life of redundant stupidity.

9:13 pm

Oh shit I haven't replied, she might think im a snob or something.

I had to make a reply in which she won't suspect my bluffs. I have to make it believeable.

"Yea sure😂😂" 

Seen 9:15 pm

My hands are shaking. Im putting everything on the line by doing something as stupid as this.

As time passes by and she still hasn't made a reply.

I check back into our convo.

I check back once again

Looks like she's stopped replying. It's already almost 10, I should turn in for the night and try again next time. I really hope she doesn't suspect me, though it's kinda obvious that im really into her , I mean she is just wonderful! The way she smiles... the way she moves, her personality.. I don't know I guess I'll just let sleep numb this feeling in my heart.
I just really hope this isn't 

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