Hope Arrives Once More

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Summer vacation is finally over! It's almost time to go back to school.

During the summer vacation, besides all the Vacation part  of the summer I've had plenty of time to think about my next move. 

I've had more than enough time to reflect on how much i've changed. 
How much I'm willing to change just to be even better for her.

And so far, I think I actually did you know?

I've gained confidence, I've been more active and now im louder than I used to be. I'm shy boy no longer.

And as usual it was time for me to enroll once more in class. I was looking forward for it. I had my friends from Hydros to come with me and we all went to get enrolled at the same time

When we were on our way, one of my friends, lourence messaged me and said that the way classes get made was by enrolling at the same time, he then invited me to join him so that we would be classmates.

"Hey Quas! They don't make classes by grades anymore! they do it by having the people who enrolled at the same time be classmates. By that rule if we go together we can be classmates and play dota anytime we want!"

" Thanks for the info man but I'm already with my friends, Maybe next time , we can always party you know." I reply back.

" Oh well bad luck I guess"

I feel bad for declining such an offer but I was going with my friends at Hydros and that was that.

A Few Days Passed

I've got one more day and I'll be able to go and enroll with my friends.... but maybe I wanna try something out.

I sat down in one of the chairs, I relaxed my shoulders and I put my hands together.
I started praying

Dear lord, First of all I would like to ask for repentance for all of the sins I have committed and the sins that the people around me have done, I would like to  ask that I be blessed once more with being with Kaye. Just one more time Lord God and I promise to not make you and everyone else proud , These I ask in the name of Jesus I pray , Amen.

There was nothing for me to lose by believing. In fact , I want to believe , Who knows maybe this is part of his plan. I prayed for her back then and my wish was not granted. Maybe now , now that im better , now that im more capable I'll be blessed with her presence once more.

I proceed towards school with the people of Hydros.

It was still early and I heard my ringtone


Armel Sent a message to Hydros.

"Im at Quas' house,  Let's meet up there" 

"Yea, let's just meet up together"  says Russel

"I'll come with you guys" says Carl 

" Just come to my apartment and call me out when you're all together" I send to the group chat of Hydros and turn off my phone.
In my bed I lie, and stood awhile in thought.

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