4 | 'just remember, inside every girl, there's a boy.'

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IT WAS QUITE SLAPDASH an idea. This Eunra could congnize with, hence why she was making sure it was for their ears only. And that had come about after another night of sleeping-on. She didn't imagine Doyoung, who'd messaged her at around the start of dawn to inform he was on his way to the airport (she probably should have asked what country he was headed first, but deciding against it upon realizing she didn't care all that much, so long as he returned back to her in one piece), would be too thrilled with any of this. Aside the fact he would spend all his time quantifying how barbarian a plan it was—like he was one to talk—the pain in the blow would come from an annoyance stemmed from not having thought of it first.

   All the same, he was out of account. Thank goodness for that. With an idea so audacious as what had rang for hours, she'd been prompted that her brother's up-and-away was perfect timing. Doyoung must have reached his destination, but there was hardly a chance he was going to call to report so. Eunra would have to take it upon herself to do the needful, but for now, she had guests.

   'Shouldn't we have a fallback in case—'

   Guests she hoped that by day's end, if favour was on her side, would look a lot more convincing than they were looking at the moment. Although when foreseeing the near future with the current odds before Eunra, perhaps convincing might be a bit of a stretch. For now, Chaeyoung and Lisa appeared hellbent on persuading her to believe instead that she'd sprouted out another head. Both girls were having her stood on teetering, termite-infested plywood, thin and ready to give out if she dared take another step.

   '—in case what? It fails?' Because it had every potential to fail. Not even the one doing the orchestrating was feeling certain about any of it. The other two, still wearing very strong lours of unfaith, didn't need to know that. Eunra knew she'd come off a bit harsh when biting back, taking note of Lalisa's tiny flinch, but too far gone to feel guilty all the way.

   Chaeyoung, on the other hand, appeared ready to match the energy and also point out to Eunra that her fury was misplaced and uncalled for. Lalisa knew this too, but she was never keen on calling people out. Each, in their own way, was communicating to Eunra that once she was done puffing her chest at them, they could sit and talk. You would think she was hoping a scenario such as this would come alive. Chaeyoung thrived in such atmosphere just fine. 'Pretty much,' she challenged. 'Yes.'

   'If I can recall correctly, none of you have brought anything to the table.'

   'And here you are dragging something onto it.' Chaeyoung. 'I didn't think you would burn circuits because you were spending all this time mulling recklessly. You're not a child, Eunra. If you were, we can excuse what you're doing and we'd still stop you. All we'll say to console ourselves is that you're being adorable. At seventeen, we call it fatuous. In simpler terms you may understand, nutty.'

   Was she stupid? Chaeyoung sure had won the debate in bringing her around to accept she was. Like, she had always known but now, she was embracing it. Were these laughable lengths to reach just to play a sport? Chaeyoung had called it fatuous.

   'We may be one and the same...' Doyoung had relayed innocently in a bid to not come off selfish and likely assuage his guilt. Little did he know he had also been unclogging her think tank. In the natural sense, Doyoung leaving for the time being translated to him suspending enrollment into Crystal Academy. Prestigious, expensive, private, prep—these were trademark to the school. They forget: miles from home. Home of both maternal and paternal, unknown to both maternal and paternal. You know you're a little bit of messed up when you talk about having two separate homes in delight, this came as an afterthought to Eunra, who was now understanding where Doyoung was coming from when he spoke about their parents' failed marriage being a blessing in disguise.

Who's That Guy? | Yuta [Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now