10 | 'you know what? if you can't join 'em, beat 'em.'

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        WITH EACH PERSON THAT TRIED and failed - which was so far fourteen people minus one lucky bastard whose spot on the team was confirmed - Eun Ra was apprehensive. The nerves were all building to something that could, without a doubt, mess her up when her turn came. She was next but she wished otherwise.

        Stretching more than necessary, she watched with eager eyes as the poor guy toppled over half the cones. A ball was kicked in his direction and he moved away with a ladylike scream. It was sad picture to watch yet amusing and helped ease her nervousness. Then it was time to see if he could take a shot. The ball went the opposite direction at his failed attempt to kick causing him to slip and fall into the grass. While Eun Ra expected the jocks to find utmost amusement in this, she expected them to have had the decency of not doing that openly at the boy's expense. They all did. Near the bleachers in their red jerseys. Amongst the lot, Eun Ra singled out four of them, three of which laughed hysterically, playing ignorant to the coach and his assistant's disapproving looks.

        This had to be the first time she saw Yuta laugh, she realized. The expression lit up his face in an instant and as much as she refused admitting it to herself, it made her insides flutter.

        He was breathtaking.

        If she could see this smile everyday, and have it directed at her for a change, Eun Ra knew she could overlook his hostility. Then again, if that were to come to play, there definitely wouldn't be any room to get in touch with his bad side.

        Taeyong laughed too - as expected. The unfamiliar guy was hunching over by now, arms gripping his torso as if trying to keep his organs from falling out. And the book-loving fourth didn't look amused for even a second.

        As expected, Jaehyun had been equally as drool worthy as his fellow mates, the roommates. Seeing him at dinner wasn't what she would say she expected from a preppy athlete. Until him, she never actually believed those those two words could even mash together in a sentence. But it did. Jaehyun made sure it did.

        His friendliness only went forth to further point out to Eun Ra that she didn't have a problem. Yuta did. And she was so damn far from figuring out why.

        The sound of blown whistle forced her back to present, to the anxiety of what currently took place. Gyuk was done with his drills and albeit being absent to majority of everything he did, the look on his face told her everything. And she was pretty sure: if it were left for the boy, he would be taking flight off the field.

        "Kim! You're next!" Coach bellowed, the deep bass of his voice making her jump on the spot.

        "Uh... sure, coach." Not really knowing what she was doing, she sent a nervous thumbs up his way. The older man didn't look all too amused... or he was just being impatient? She voted for the latter.

        Giving into the temptation, Eun Ra glanced their way. She clearly couldn't help it. Three out of four wore hopeful looks that was enough to boost her morale. And at this very moment, Eun Ra actually thought Yuta could go shove a stick up his ass somewhere else.

        Seeing him made her livid and she was almost fed up with him. His rudeness, his disdain, his obvious hatred.

        It motivated her.

Who's That Guy? | Yuta [Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now