20 | 'he might be a little lost and confused, but ... a red-blooded male...'

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        "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE! YOU KNOW THE drill. Shirts this way, skins the other—why aren't you showing skin, Kim."

        Eun Ra swallowed. Classes had been a series of tension. Right from the second, she initiated an unwanted sense of apprehensiveness that now she didn't appreciate the unnecessary attention. "U-Uh..."

        "Don't make me regret my decision," he reminded her like he needed to. Kwon glanced shortly at Yuta. His star student eyeing her in return, surreptitiously nudging her in the ribs. She read him clearly: do what he tells you, dammit! I put a lot on the line here. "I'm letting you have a do-over. Most would call this a golden opportunity. And if you still don't think your so-called passion is enough of a drive, do it for Nakamoto. Otherwise it wouldn't hurt to send you off and ban you from stepping foot on my field for life. You hear me?"

        She flinched. Well, now she missed Coach Taekwoon. Coach Kwon always rang off the reminder that she indeed was a boy, who still remained far from matching up to his average student. That alone startled her.

        "... yes, sir." She nodded precipitously. The weather was ridiculously humid and Eun Ra already felt murky before her first run. That wasn't near being a good sign. She wanted to go home. That's highly ostensible when you're so close to blowing your cover. Pull yourself together dammit. "B-But, you see, the thing is, I'm ... uh ... I'm—"

        "He has solar urtacaria, sir," he chipped in. If it had been possible to grab Jaehyun right this minute and kiss him smack on the lips, Eun Ra would. But Coach's skeptical look stayed her on her toes still. "It's a rare condition in which a case of urtacaria is induced by exposure to UV radiation. Said urtacaria can appear on covered and, sometimes, uncovered areas of the skin." What?! "You wouldn't want extra on your plate, would you?"

        Blood abated, visibly and immensely, from Kwon's face. It was amusing to a degree, however, Eun Ra felt she could relate at the moment. Half of what Jaehyun said made foreign sense to her and likely everyone else. Someone groaned from behind. Her best bet was Taeyong.

        "Dude, seriously?" Ten muttered.

        Kwon was contemplative. His uneasiness became visible as he changed his footing more often than usual, before he shifted attention back to Eun Ra. "So if anything I've grabbed from what Jung said, you've got a serious case of jacked up sunburn?"

        "Yes," she replied hesitantly, still attempting to make the least bit of sense from what her accomplice had declared. All in all, Jaehyun meant she had an advanced plight of sunburn which was highly believable. At the same time it reminded Eun Ra of a dog ate homework type excuse. Somehow she knew Coach only heeded in a heartbeat because it was Jaehyun talking, him who had his nose tucked between the pages of any book he could find, more importantly, nephew to his boss. As long as it carried literal weight, he was good to go, Yuta usually joked about his roommate's knack for hardcovers. "Sir. It's pretty embarrassing so to say, that's why I prefer to keep it tiptop secret most of the time."

        The man gave a curt nod. "I would if I were you," he said deploringly. "With all that laid out, you're a shirt. Let's see how well you hold yourself against my students. In position." He blew his trusty whistle.

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