6 | 'i can do this. i am a dude! i am a hunky dude! i am a badass, hunky dude!'

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I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD be liked by anybody. Impressive,' Heechul said.

   Eunra snapped out of her head, came to and faced Heechul's profile. She asked, 'You said what?'

   The vehicle had been drowning in galling silence for more than ten minutes—if calculations served correctly—and the sounds of their munching pastries was not music to the ears. At all. No wonder Heecul couldn't take it anymore. It dawned on Eunra that running into her own head had been for escape purposes. Amidst all this was also Eunra deciding to be angry at Heechul for cutting Dongmin's meeting short. She'd ignored the main goal, paid attention to the side nonsense, which felt shaming the longer she dwelt on it. However there was never not a good day to be this way towards Heechul.

   A person had to be non compos mentis to drive past Eomma's Cafe without a pitstop. Eunra traced a low growl down to her stomach. There was no telling whether this was roused by residual hunger, anger, or merely cravings for some of Heechul's moon cakes. Those weren't in her order because Eunra never went for those. About to bite into her doughnut, she paused midway to watch Heechul and his mouth munch heavy chunks of moon cakes. Eunra couldn't imagine why she wanted moon cakes today.

   'That Lee boy,' he said. Amused by his deduction, Eunra didn't feel anything outside that. Her toes didn't curl, although a bit of heat rushed to cheeks. In summary, the idea of being admired by Lee Dongmin was simply enjoyable; like a sort of validation. 'He likes you.'

   'You didn't know I could be liked by someone?'

   Heechul merely shrugged to this. His eyes didn't leave the road, body leaned upon the steering wheel. From where she sat, Heechul looked as if he was psyched-up about jumping out the windshield at any minute.

   'The main point is yours liked,' Heechul said as he spared her a glance. 'It's a good thing, last I checked.'

   'Coming from you, I beg to differ,' she said.

   He shrugged yet again which, Eunra discovered, was meant to read indifference. 'Just picture someone else telling you he does then.'

   Only out of curiosity, 'You think so?' she asked.

   'You are no longer allowed to date until after university, so it doesn't have to matter.'

   Eunra scoffed. 'I pointed out to Doyoung that he's a bit boring for my taste.'

   'You didn't look bored fifteen minutes ago.'

   'Dongmin has his moments. Who am I to foretell them?' she said. 'What, you think I see handwritings on my bedroom wall? "Today, Dongmin will approach you and amuse you." "Heechul will cut the meeting short." "Be warned."'

   Eunra smiled as she watched Heechul draw out a deep chuckle. 'It's plausible. You're obsessed.'

   'I am not obsessed, but as a human with active senses, I acknowledge his appeal,' said Eunra. 'What's not to like? Tall and handsome.'

   But would she ever say yes to Dongmin, should the chance ever present itself.

   'No comment.'




UNTIL Heechul clamped it shut.

   Now at the end of the hour-long journey, she was convincing herself she was ready. To be a boy. Play football, prove the appropriate people wrong, not let the appropriate people down. There was much to prove, starting from saying goodbye to Heechul without getting emotional.

Who's That Guy? | Yuta [Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now