Chapter 22

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"When is Amara gonna be here" Grace asked for the 3rd time that day about 10 minutes Connie sighed checking her watch "Grace you know that when she gets here she might be a bit clingy too me or daddy because she knows us" "it's ok I think she would be scared I know i would" Connie hugged her tightly as the 3 waited
For the new member of their family to arrive
It was about 15 minutes later when they seen Tracy's car pull up 'she's here" grace said running into the kitchen grace you stay with daddy for a minute while I open the door Connie told her getting up to the door "hiya Connie" Tracy smiled as Amara came out from hiding behind her leg "Connie are you my new mummy" the little girl asked confused "yes I am" Connie said bending down to her "realllly" she squealed hugging Connie "yes now lets go inside, you coming Tracy" no I cant sorry but I hope you have fun in your new house Amara" "thank you" connie smiled shaking Amaras arm a little to urge her too say thank you "Thank you" amara whispered "no problem goodbye" she said quickly waving at them they done the same before Connie turned too Amara "okay Amara I have someone I want you too meet" "okayyy" she whispered gripping Connie's hand "do you want me too lift you up" "yes please" Amara said quietly Connie picked her up and shut the door okay so Amara you know sam he's your new daddy know and this is your big sister Grace" "hi" grace smiled at her "hi" Amara whispered back okay so let's go up too your room shall we" "yes" she croaked sam smiled sympathetically watching the little girl cuddle into Connie she brought Amara upstairs while grace spoke to sam "so she's a bit scared because this is all new too her, but soon you will be begging us to get her away" sam said cuddling her they sat on the couch for about 20 might when an add for a film in the cinema came on "I really want to go see that Grace told him raising her eyebrows "well why don't me and you go see it leave your mum to get your Sister settled ey" sam suggested watching her face light up "okayyy" she squealed going to get her I pad too check the time "I'll tell your  mum" sam said wandering upstairs to tell Connie. "Connie where are you" sam called walking into Amara's room seeing that they weren't there "in here Connie" called back from there room sam walked in to see Connie and Amara cuddled up reading a book"me and Grace are gonna go to the cinema do you want to come Connie or stay here with her too settle her I think I will stay here me and Zoe are gonna go get her a few bits since we have nothing" Connie smiled "okay, here's Gracie" he chuckled hearing her come upstairs and go into her room "mummm dadd where are you" Grace shouted "in our room sweetheart" Connie called back grace came in looking at Amara shyly I have a present for Amara she said pulling out the bag from behind her back "oh what's this Amara" Connie said as Grace passed her the bag "oh what's this" Connie asked Amara opened it and smiled "it's an elepant" she said smiling as she pulled it out of the bag "oh wow, that's cool isn't Amara" sam said in a childish voice Amara nodded. "thank you" she whispered "your welcome" Grace smiled "what Time are you going?" Connie asked watching Amara play with her elephant "there's one at 1:30" "ok go get your coat and we can go" "okay" she said running too get her coat "are you going shopping?" He asked her "ye I'm gonna collect Zoe and we're going too go. will you get graces old car seat its under the stairs I keep it just in case" Connie said smiling at him only for you.. will I put it in the car" "if you wouldn't mind" Connie replied with a smirk "only cause I love you" "you would do it no matter what" Connie smirked "ye ye"'he sighed jokingly "right I will leave you too it, have fun shopping" he said kissing Amara's head then Connie on the lips.
The pair sad there reading the story for 15 minutes Sam and grace had left half about 5 minutes previous. "Okay Amara you look at the book while I get ready" she nodded slowly "Connie?" "Yes sweetheart" Connie replied sticking her head around the closet door "am I going to live with you forever or will I be put in a new home" Connie's heart melted "oh sweetheart of course you will live with us forever" "can I call you mummy then" Connie nodded her head "of course and you can call sam daddy and Grace is your big sister and this is your little sister Connie smiled putting a hand on her bump "okay" Amanda nodded slowly trying to think about it all Connie went back into the closet and squeezed herself into a pair of ripped jeans a white blouse, leather jacket and of coke the shoes" she grabbed her hand bag and picked up Amara's shoes okay Amara let's get your shoes on she slipped them on and picked her up "mummy where we going" "we are going too meet mummy's Sister and go to the shops too get you something nice" Connie said happily "I don't wanna meet your sister" Amara cried "oh pumpkin why not" "Amara's bottom lip quivered as she started too sob Connie tried to calm her but failed she open the car door and strapped Amara in she looked around and saw the neighbors watching her "problem" she snapped as she's got into the car Amara honey calm down please we won't get Zoe" Amara nodded and stopped crying "Connie drove to Zoe's house watching as Amara drifted of too sleep...

In Spain rn so updates might be slo x

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