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You flow in my veins like poison,
You are the addiction who neither let me live
Nor let me die..

Full moon was alone shining in the sky. London streets were wet with the continuous drizzle. I made a beautiful bouqet of flowers from the flower collection of my shop and packed all the stuff. The staff of my shop had already left. I made my way out of the glass door and locked it from outside and then locked the metal door.

My flower shop was near to my apartment in Kensington. I used to walk to my home. I was walking slowly due to the heels I was wearing although I was 5'6". I was pulling off my favourite pair of skinny jeans with white tank top tucked inside my jeans and black leather jacket with the pair of my favourite nude Loboutine pumps. My light brown wavy hairs were fiddeling with my white chiseled face. My light brown big eyes were looking at the stony path ahead of me.

My apartment was coming near. The street was deserted because it was 11 a.m. Only cars could be seen parked infront of the apartment doors. My apartment was infront of me. Apart from being really expensive it was really cosy too. I took my keys out of my purse, turned the key in the lock and opened the big black door of my apartment. It was a really odd feeling that day.

I was so tired so I went to the bedroom, threw my bag on the bed and went to take a shower. I slipped in my black nightgown and came out of the bathroom. Throwing my towel on the bed after drying my hairs, I wore my robe. I had a continuous feeling of being watched. My room was quite big and dark and I had never been so afraid in my life but that day I really had a feeling of fear.

As I stood infront of the mirror, my eyes caught somebody standing in a dark nuke of my room. I started to shake with fear. Sweat drops appeared on my forehead. I was an asthma patient and my breath started to get short. I turned around to see somebody rising from the couch on the corner. He stood six feet tall and had a mascular build.

"Alexis! " He called my name in a sharp manly voice. His voice had a hint of soothiness in it.

"Who are you?" I asked as I was struggling to take breath.

"It doesn't matter who am I?" He replied as he started to move closer and becoming more and more visible.

I had recognised his voice.

I started to choke there. " My puffer!" I remembered I put it in the drawer. I ran towards the drawer to get it opening every drawer but I couldn't find it. Tears were falling from my eyes. I was struggling real hard to breath.

"Are you looking for this?" He asked while throwing my puffer up in the air and catching it in his hand.

"Where did you get this?" I asked while holding the drawer for leverage.

"It doesn't matter from where I get it. What matters is should I give it to you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Please! Please give it back. I can't breath. I can't.." I started to cough to get my breath back but in vain.

He moved closer and closer and more visible. He was claded in a dress shirt, pants and tie. He had dark blue sparkling eyes who were piercing through my soul. A moustache with a scruff. I remembered who was he.

He held my wrist tight and I even had lost my energy to yank it out of his grasp. I fell to my knees choking, trying to take longer breathes. My eyes were swollen red with tears of pain. I was losing oxygen and it was really really painful trying to take breath but I couldn't.

"I don't wanna die." I nearly whispered as he kneeled down infront of me.

"Yes you are going to die slowly." He whispered in my ear.

I had lost my power. Death was dancing infront of me. Everything started to fade as I fell but he got me in his arms. His grasp was so mascular and powerful.

"August Walker at your service Miss Alexis." He whispered as I closed my eyes.

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