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"He did not care if she was heartless, vicious and vulgar, stupid and grasping, he loved her. He would rather have misery with one than happiness with the other."

■■■~W. Somerset Maugham~■■■

August was sitting in the waiting lounge of Emirates. He got the first class tickets
The waiting area was packed with people. He looked at people's faces to pass his time. He ordered coffee and took out his tablet to look at the location of Alexis. The flight was 6 hours long from London to Dubai. They were about to reach Dubai.

"I will get to you come what may

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"I will get to you come what may." He talked to himself.

His mind was racing a million miles. What had he even done that she left her this way. She never even mentioned Zohra before and now she was continuously trying to change his mind. Something really fishy was going on and his gut feeling was really telling him that Alexis was upto something.

He took the tablet inside his briefcase. Every second felt like an hour for him sitting in that waiting lounge.


Alexis, Zohra and Akbar had reached Dubai. The next flight to Kabul was about to take off in two hours.

Alexis had left her cellphone in the lodge so that August couldn't trace her location. She didn't know that the microchip in her neck was enough to do the job for him.

The flight for Kabul was ready to depart. They sat inside the plane and it took off.

Alexis saw the huge buildings of Dubai turning tiny as the plane ascended.



alker boarded the plane's first class. Went to his small cabin. His thoughts were racing and he couldn't wait to get to Alexis.

After a 6 hour long flight he reached Dubai. It was really hot there as compared to London. He sat in the waiting area for his next flight to Kabul.


Alexis reached Kabul with Zohra and Akbar. She had never been to Afghanistan before. She sat in the car of Akbar's friend who came to pick them from the airport.

Alexis watched the big and tiny uneven homes passing by. The streets were dusty and and children were playing outside barefeet. She wasn't used to this type of environment and cringed on the thought of living here.

The car took a turn in a narrow street and stopped outside a small home. Zohra and Akbar came out and took out the lugguage from the car. Zohra signaled her to come out of the car.
It was there home where the brother and sister lived.

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