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"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."

□●~Oscar Wilde~●□

"Fuck!" August cursed under his breath.

The jeep had took a turn towards the highway.

August hurried towards his truck. He got in and turned the key in the ignition but as soon as he tried to drive he realized the tyres were lacking air.

"Shit! Why did it have to happen this time?" He thought.

He came out of the truck and checked the tyres. All four tyres were missing air. It seemed they were deliberately punctured or someone took the air out of them. He knew it was Zohra and Akbar who did it.

He kicked the tyre furiously. There was nothing he could do at that time except to accept the fact that Alexis had gone. He didn't know where Zohra had taken her but he had to think fast. He had to switch to another plan to get to Alexis.

Then the microchip came into his mind. He hurried towards the lodge and went inside. His cellphone was lying on the couch. He unlocked it and open the app which traced that microchip.

The location wasn't fixed cuz they were moving. He wanted to know where they were going in London.

Frustrated he closed the app and sat on the couch. He had to wait till next day.


"Take me to my apartment." Alexis said.

The jeep was running on the highway. It was 3 O'clock in the morning.

"Yes. We are going to your apartment and you are going to get your stuff because we shall leave for Afghanistan after that." Zohra sat beside her in the back of the jeep.

"What? I am not going anywhere with you. You understand." Alexis ranted.

"You have to because August will be there any second and he will take you back with him. I am doing it for your own good Alexis." Zohra said.

"But! I haven't been to Afghanistan before. I cannot live there and how am I gonna get my belongings in such a short time? August would be following us." Alexis was so annoyed.

"No. He isn't following us because we have taken care of that. I'll help you. Just stay alert ok. You have no other option Alexis. August will find you if you are in any part of UK or US. But I don't think he will ever come to Afghanistan. You will not be there for your whole life. Just for a short period of time so don't worry." Zohra squeezed her shoulder.

Alexis nodded and then looked straight on the road. There were very less cars coming behind them.

Right after reaching her apartment Alexis went to get her stuff. Zohra helped her to prepare her suitcases.

"The flight leaves today at 9'0 clock. It will take us to Dubai from where we shall get a connecting flight for Kabul. We have your ticket and your visa and passport ready." Zohra said while packing her stuff.

"How did you get all these things arranged?" Alexis asked.

"Steve!. He was the one who sent me here to look at you and August and he arranged all this just in case I have to take you to Afghanistan with me." Zohra replied while looking at the wall clock. "Its already 6'O clock. We have to move from here as soon as possible."

Akbar loaded all the lugguage in the jeep. Alexis went to take a last look at her apartment. It was cold and dark. It was the place where her brother had died. She was teary. She had never left her apartment like this before but she had to now. She threw a last glance inside before closing the door.


August could get help from his team to track down Alexis but he didn't want to make a show. He wanted to get to her himself. He checked the app again. They were en route to Heathrow.

"Shit!" He cursed.

He had to make a move fast. Heathrow was quite far from the lodge where he was staying. He wanted to stop them from taking Alexis.

He had to call an Über to get him to Heathrow airport but it was very early in the morning and finding an Uber in that place was really difficult. After sometime finally he got himself an Uber and left for Heathrow airport.


Zohra, Akbar and Alexis had already reached the airport. Alexis was sitting in the waiting lounge when Akbar came with two cans of diet coke for them.

"Our flight for Dubai will be leaving in an hour." He said.

Alexis was so nervous. Although he had no feelings for August in her heart but she was still feeling guilty for running away like this. She knew tha man loved her to bits and she was alive and well because of him. Had he not been sent to kill her she would really have got killed by someone else.

She was lost in these thoughts when she heard an announcement for their flight. Akbar got up and lead them towards the boarding counter.

Zohra was looking here and there. Her eyes searching for August. The man could get there any second she knew but surprisingly he was nowhere to be seen. She stood in line to board the plane.

As they stepped on the boarding bridge she turned around to see if Sugust had reached there but still he was nòwhere to be seen. She knew if he reached there it will be impossible for them to take Alexis. In her heart she wanted to see him before leaving for Afghanistan but she knew if he reached the airport before their flight could take off they will get in great trouble.

Finally they boarded the plane and on the other side August reached the airport. He took out his cellphone and located Alexis' location.

He immediately ran towards the counter to get information.

"How may I help you Sir?" The lady on the counter asked.

"Right now which flight is ready to take off and where is it going." He asked in a rush. His heart was pounding in his chest.

"Emirates! And its leaving for Dubai." She replied.

"I want to get on the flight right now." He said and showed her his ID.

"But Sir! You cannot board the plane now. The bridge has been separated and the flight is ready to take off." She replied.

He still ran towards the boarding bridge. When he reached there the flight had already reached the runway and was ready to take off.

He stood there helplessly. He couldn't stop Zohra from taking Alexis. Now he had to buy a ticket for the next flight who is Dubai bound. He wanted to call Sloane but he didn't because she was unaware of what he was upto and if she knows she will call him back and his job will be in danger.

The next flight was 5 O'clock noon.

With the help of his ID he managed to get the boarding pass and ticket. He was a CIA agent and he didn't need Visa to travel to Dubai. He wanted Alexis and he was going to get her at any cost.

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