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"We came here
Looking for love
Knowing that only
Death is certain."
~•Tania Bulovic•~

The jeep followed the armour car through the dusty Kabul streets.

August was inside the armour car directing his friends towards the palace.

Zohra was in the jeep driven by Akbar and following the armour car. Thousands of thoughts rushing through her mind while the palace came closer and closer.

 Thousands of thoughts rushing through her mind while the palace came closer and closer

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She just wanted to take Alexis back. She knew they were monsters.
The distance between the jeep and the palace was getting lesser and lesser and August's heartbeat was getting faster with each passing minute. Finally! The armour car came to a halt at a distance from the gate. The jeep stopped after it.

The guard standing at the gate shouted at them.

"Kya lene aaye ho? ( what do you want)?"

"Wahaaj se milne aaye hain. (We came to meet Wahaaj)." Akbar peeped out of the window and shouted from the jeep.

The guard came towards the armour car and stood near the window.

A loud shot was heard and the crows sitting on the walls of the palace flew away.

The guard fell to his death on the sandy ground.

August sitting in the front seat just twisted his neck right to left.

August sitting in the front seat just twisted his neck right to left

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"Let's do this." He said.

His friend put the car into last gear. The wheels squealed as the car stormed into the palace gate.
The iron gate broke from its hinges and impaled below the armour car which stormed into the palace.
Akbar followed the armour car inside with his jeep.

The armour car moved towards the main entrance of palace.
Armed men came running with their rifles and started to shoot at both the vehicles.

"Zohra!! To the entrance." August screamed.

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