Doubt and Belief

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"He wanted to know her, possess her. All that fire flashing in her eyes when she thought he didn't see needed to be unleashed.

As he wokeup from the flashback, August was going after her but it seemed that she had been mingled with the other people in the crowd. He could only see heads of people but not her. He tried the other way. He took a corner and went into another street to catchup with her as it wasn't crowdy but in vain.

"Zohra!" He called her name. People looking at him as he was calling her name.

"Zohra!" He called again hysterically but in vain.

She was nowhere to be seen. August's date with Alexis had also been ruined. He was so upset.
"May be it is my delusion. She might not be Zohra but how can my eyes betray me?" August talked to himself.

As he was going to grab a bus. He saw people running towards the London bridge. Police vehicles and a crane going towards there.

"What happened there?" He asked a man.

"I think somebody's car's brakes got failed and the car fell in the Tames river from the bridge." He said waving his hand towards the river.

August ran to the London bridge to see what happened there. As the crane pulled out the car, his eyes widened.

"Oh God no. No no it can't be." He talked to himself.

The car which was pulled out of the river was Alexis' car. He immediately went to the police officer.

"Where is the girl? Is she alright?" He blurted out at once.

"Yes. The girl was taken to the hospital. She was saved by a woman who jumped in the river as her car drowned and she called the ambulance." He told with a notepad in his hand.

"Where is that woman and which hospital? Please tell me." He requested the details.

"She was taken to Queen Mary. By the way who are you? How do you know that it was a girl?" The policeman squeezed his eyes in suspicion.

He showed him his card."August Walker. I have been sent to the US embassy to work here. He told.

"Oh! Its nice to meet you Mr Walker." He extended his hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you too." He greeted and moved on. He now had to reach the hospital as fast as he could.


"Zohra was reading a book on the resto near the London bridge. She wasn't there to keep an eye on Walker or Alexis. She hadn't seen them yet. She was there to enjoy coffee in the cold London air. Suddenly her phone rang.

"Hello!" She greeted.

"Steve here! How was your journey Zohra?" He politely asked.

"It was really good and I am really enjoying London's cold weather. Thankyou Steve for this opportunity." She chuckled.

"You're welcome but don't forget your mission Zohra. You are here for a purpose. Have you caught up with Alexis yet?" He asked.

"Not yet Steve. I am looking for a chance. I don't wanna rush into things." Zohra said.

"Ok! But don't be like Walker." He said and hung up.

"Walker? What did you say? Hello! Steve! Hello" She asked but he had hung up.

She was so confused and afraid. "If it really is Walker. What would I do? But why would he come here to kill Alexis? It's really confusing." She talked to herself and took her bag to go.

She walked towards the park to get some fresh air just then she changed her decision and took the other way round to the London bridge. As she was walking there. A car lost control, rolled over and fell off the bridge in the river.

She saw the car drowning in the water. Without a second thought she jumped into the river. She saw a girl trying to escape from the car. The car had completely drowned and Zohra took a deep breath to dive.

The girl inside was beating the glass and it was unable to be opened due to extreme pressure of water. The water had filled inside suffocating her. She was gasping. Zohra took out her pocket knife and beat the glass of the window with all her knife with the metal. The glass broke and she pulled the girl out by her wrist.

Zohra brought her to the surface. She was unconscious. She swam with her to the surface where people had gathered to help. The Ambulance came and Alexis was taken to the hospital. Zohra went with her. The first aid was provided and finally Alexis opened her eyes.

She saw Zohra when she opened her eyes. Zohra was sitting beside her holding her hand.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Thankyou for saving my life. It means a lot. What's your name?" Alexis asked in a weak voice.

"Meera!"..Zohra said. She told her false identity.

"I am Alexis." She told her.

Zohra was shocked. What was going on here. If she was Alexis then August will be coming here anytime. She still wanted to confirm if she really was that Alexis.

"Do you have any relative? A family? Friends." Zohra asked her.

"Yes! A brother but he lives in New York. I want to talk to my brother Steve by my phone was left in my car. I have a friend August. His name is August. Please tell him I am here." Alexis requested her.

"Ok! Let me see what can I do. I gotta go. I'll be back soon. Take care of yourself." Zohra said and went out of the room.

She went down from the first elevator and August came out of the second elevator. Straight he went to Alexis' room.

"Hey! Are you alright?" August said standing beside her bed.

"Yes I am ok? Thankgod that woman saved me." Alexis looked into the empty space of the room.

"Which woman? Who are you talking about?" August raised an eyebrow.

"Her name is Meera. She jumped into the water and took me out of the car breaking the window. She is so athletic, so brave. She has just left." Alexis said.

August sat on the couch infront of Alexis. Zohra's image has been sketched in his mind. He knew his eyes hadn't betrayed him. He knew he had seen her. Now he had to look for her...


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