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As my muscles marginally relax, the tension flicks from anger to fevered desire. I want to rip each wisp of clothing off her and tie her to this fucking desk. I know next time, to bring my satin ribbon.
••~M.R Field~••

CIA Headquarters, Kabul, Afghanistan.

The soldier shoved her into the helicopter. They were joking to each other about her. She sat on the back of the helicopter alone and looking at them with disgust and hate.

"Oh look at her eyes. I am scared." One of the soldiers joked and all of them started to laugh but they became silent as August came and sat inside the helicopter.

"Let's go." He ordered and looked at her who was gazing at him.

August looked at the pilot and he started the helicopter. Soon they were about to reach the headquarters. He turned around to look at her again but this time she was looking down at her feet.

 He turned around to look at her again but this time she was looking down at her feet

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He looked away. He wanted to know who she was working for so they can take action as soon as possible.

The helicopter landed on the roof of the CIA headquarters and August was the first to get out.

"Take her to the room. I'll meet her there." He said and started to walk towards his room.

While one of the soldier pushed her towards the room dedicated for interrogation where they carried out interrogations on the captured terrorists.

She turned around to look at him as he stood there watching her being taken to the room. Her big black eyes wanted to tell him something but he was thinking to ask her himself what she was upto.

The intercom of his room rang as August came out of the shower. It was Erica on the other side.

"Walker! Who is that girl you brought here?"

"I don't know yet but seeing her fight and kill the militants I think she is working for someone. You should have seen her fight like she was some sort of a martial artist." August explained.

"Walker! I hope you didn't bring a wrong person with you. Interrogate her as soon as possible. I am waiting for the information. Make her spill everything you can." Erica ordered and hung up.

August wore his over coat and went to the elevator. He pushed the basement button and the elevator started to move down. He reached the basement and opened the grill. He went the room and unlocked the door.

She was sitting there. The familier look of hate in her eyes. He looked down at her.

 He looked down at her

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