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"Your absence has gone through me.
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its colour."

Zohra went downstairs to the kitchen.

August was upstairs sitting on the couch with Akbar. They were talking about tonight's plan to attack the home where they had taken Alexis.

"I have called backup. Two of my friends work here. They will be helping us in this. I will provide you with all the ammunition you need and a jeep too. We will then attack their base. You will hit the main gate with the jeep and me and my friends will follow inside with another vehicle." August explained him the plan.

Zohra entered the room with a tray in her hand. There was tea, rice and chicken curry as lunch.

"Help yourself!" She said while placing the tray infront of August.

"Thankyou Zohra! But you really didn't need to do this." He said.

"I remembered the first time you brought me lunch in that room August. So! Just assume this is the payback for that day." She sat infront of him.

August's face changed color when she stated that. He changed the topic. "I am worried about Alexis. If that bastard touches her I will rip him apart." He said.

She stood from her place and went to stand beside him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "He won't do it I know but he wanted to marry her and it won't be that easy for him either. Don't worry August. We will save her tonight." She said.

August looked upwards at her face. There was a feeling of assurance in her eyes.

"Please eat your lunch. You must be starving I know. I will be downstairs. Reach me if you need anything." She said and went back downstairs.

The food she made was delicious. He was surprized how she cared about him even he hurt her in all the ways he could. He brought the tray back downstairs where he saw her and got frozen in his steps.

She was sitting on a praying mat. Her shawl wrapped around her head. Her hands were together like she was asking for something. Sunlight fell directly on her making her look like an angel. So pure and pious.

He placed the tray back in the kitchen and went towards her. He sat on the floor beside her. She had tears in her eyes who fell and absorbed in the fabric of her shawl.

She finished praying and looked at him.

"What are you asking from God?" He asked looking really interested in what she was doing.

"I was praying. Talking to Him to give me strength. To forgive my sins." She said.

"And?" He asked again raising an eyebrow.

"Praying for Alexis, for her protection. Praying for you. Asking happiness and prosperity for you, wherever you go." She said.

He held her hand gently and she looked in his eyes.

"What did you ask for yourself?" He looked in her eyes.

"I asked something special for me." She replied.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Tumhai maang rahi thi khuda se. ( asking God to bless me with you)" She said it with tears in her eyes.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"Nothing." She said while closing her eyes. The remaining tears escaped and one remained on her cheek.

"Still asking me from God even after I hurt you badly?" He brushed the tear from her cheek.

She opened her eyes slowly.

"How do you know what I said?" Her eyes met with his when she asked this question.

"Because I understand what you say sweetheart. I know this language. I learned it when I was assigned here years back when I met you." He replied.

She looked down. Shyness visible on her face.

"Why do you want me so much? What have I even done for you. What did you see in this assassin? I am a coldblooded murderer."

She put her hand on his mouth softly.

"I love you all by my heart. You are my addiction . You neither let me live nor die. To me you are the most beautiful and kind." She replied.

She put her hand back on her lap. He looked at her in aww. He couldn't believe someone could think like this for him.

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"You are so pure Zohra. You don't deserve a man like me who have blood on his hands." He said and stood to go.

She held his hand."I prefer dying than living this life without you." She said and let go of his hand.

She stood and went towards a wall. There was a sword hung on the wall. She took it out from its scabbard and kissed it's hilt.

"It belongs to my baba (father). He taught me how to use a sword." She said and spun it around her wrist.

"I have killed talibans with it." She placed it in August's hand and showed him how sharp it was. She then took out a small knife from the holster in her arm.

"With this I slit throats."

"Impressive." He said.

She showed him the sharp edge of the small knife. "Since you were talking about blood on your hands, mine aren't clean either." She put the knife back it its holster.

"So are we ready to save Alexis?" He asked.

"Yes. I am ready." She said with blood boiling in her eyes.

At night when the whole town slept August's friends arrived with two military vehicles. They gave him two M16 assault rifles, rounds and grenades.

August changed into his military costume. Green jeans and jacket. Zohra was in her black shirt, jeans and her black shawl. Her hairs were collected in a ponytail.

August gave her an M16 assault rifle. "Here you go Zohra." He handed it over to her.

When she was about to sit in the jeep she went to August. He was discussing the mission with his friends.

"August!" She called him.

He turned around to face her.

"I am putting all my faith and trust in you. You will save Alexis but I don't think I will make it out alive." She said.

She saw pain in his eyes when she mentioned it.

"I won't let anything happen to you Zohra. We will save Alexis and will be out alive." He stroked her face with his hand.

"I have some scores to settle with Wahaaj. This prick needs to be eliminated. If anything happens to me you won't stay there. You will take Alexis and get out from there." She said and turned around to go to her jeep.

She looked at him again. Their eyes met one last time before she climbed into the jeep.


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