♤ Friends ♤

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At about 9 a.m I woke up from my slumber. Opening my eyes slowly I extended my left hand on my left and my hand touched a ball of fur. I looked at my left and saw Kal sleeping on the bed with me.

I took a sigh of relief as I stroked his soft fur with my fingers. He put hand down my hand a lil more so I can pet him more.

"Hey buddy! You slept well?" I chuckled.

I looked at the surroundings. August was not there. I climbed down the bed and slowly opened the door. I heard him talking to someone on the phone. He was in a dress shirt and pants, sleeves folded up, a black digital watch in his left hand in which he held his mobile as well, hairs neatly gelled and combed.

"Look! I told you not to call and disturb me. I work on my own terms..

But..its none of your business if I carry out the task now or then. Its my victim and I know how to deal with him.

No! Don't you dare even touch her. I said I will do it. Is that clear?" He said furiously and hung up. "Who do he think he is? Bastard will get himself killed with my hands." He was in rage.

"Ehm Ehm!" I coughed to get his attention." Is anything wrong August?" I asked closing the door.

"No! Its alright. It was just my friend getting on my nerves. Forget it. Can I get you something for breakfast?" He asked going into the kitchen and filled a glass of water to drink.

"No! Thankyou so much. You already had done so much. I should go get my car from there." I smiled.

"You car is waiting outside." He said folding his hands on his chest.

"How did you get it? I mean..unlock" my sentence remained incomplete as he showed me the keys.

"You dropped them there last night and forgot. I picked them up. So last night I went there and got your car and here is your apartment keys as well." He said as he threw the keys towards me and I caught them.

"Thankyou so much. Its so nice of you for doing this." I chuckled as I walked passed him." Would you mind having breakfast with me? I make delicious pancakes and coffee." I smiled looking into his deep blue eyes.

"As you say so." He smiled and his blue eyes sparkled.

"Let's go then." I opened the door and walk towards my flat.


August followed Alexis to her flat. He sat on the couch infront of the coffee table. Alexis went to the kitchen which was infront of the living room. She was so quick and expert in kitchen work.

August watched as she folded her silky dark brown hairs in a high bun letting some loose curls hanging on the sides. He was observing closely as she put the coffee to brew, folded her sleeves and started to make pancake batter.

She had her back to August and couldn't see him keenly observing her. August stood and walked towards her and slowly he stood beside her looking at her near the stove. She was so indulged in the batter making that she couldn't even feel his presence with her.

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