Chapter 1: Who are you?!

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A/n- Use picture for reference of how she looks and what she wears

Amusement was sparkling in her eyes as she watched the crimson-haired girl be bombarded with questions. The girl fainted rather quickly which caused the woman's throat to bubble with laughter. 

She had been watching the two - Hak and Yona - ever since Yonas' sixteenth birthday and the show was quite boring in the beginning. But seeing the little girl exhausted from meer questions made her somewhat pleased.

Sitting on top of the tallest tree of greenery around The Wind Tribe, gave the woman a perfect view of the duo. She watched as Hak ordered the people of The Wind Tribe and took an unconscious Yona into the building. 

The woman smirked.

I think I'll be visiting you two tomorrow morning


The woman walked behind Yona and Hak going completely unnoticed by them. They were carrying laundry to the river to clean.

Anyways, during their walk, she tuned out most of the couple's boring conversation about 'having a little brother' and such. However, when she saw the river - or used to be river - the beauty walked up and said, "Oh wow, the river's all dried up."

Both of them looked at the unsuspected person that was standing on Yonas' left with a look of surprise. 

"You know you should really get this situation sorted out Thun-der Beast." 

After the woman's words, he quickly sliced the Chinese Guandao at her in an attempt to intimidate the stranger. Although this had no effect on the woman, she simply stared straight into his eyes her amusement rekindled once again.

"Who are you?! Did you have something to do with the river?!"

She chuckled, "Of course not darling. Why would I do such a thing to someone else's source of life when it has no beneficial value to me."

He pushed the spear closer to her neck, "Then who did it?"

"Hmm," She hummed whilst tapping her lips. "That's for me to know and you two to find out. It is your fault that the river is like this anyway." And with that, she vanished. 

Yona snapped out of her daze, "Where did she go?"

"I - I don't know."


It had been a while since the woman showed up again and she decided to do so the morning Hak and Yona were starting their journey to find the Oracle. Of course, she had to drop by since she wanted in on the fun as well.

"You teenagers are very hormonal you know. It's making me all tingly inside," The woman said whilst leaning against the mountain wall right next to Yona.

"Y-you again!"

"Quiet down you two. Don't you hear the footsteps coming this way?"

With caution, Yona spoke towards the woman, "Enemies?"


Hak jumped in, cutting her off in the process, "And there's too many of them to be scouts. If these guys are after us then they definitely mean business."

"They came as troops or maybe..."

"You know princess," He interrupted. "If you were gonna cuddle up to me at night you could at least be a little curvier."

"And what's that supposed to mean!" The princess pouted as she chased the beast around. The simple words in bold blue appeared in the woman's eyes, 'Dodge'. A chuckle passed her lips, "I knew it! Very hormonal, you two! Very hormonal!" 

They both turned around and retorted, "We're not hormonal!" That was the exact moment the troops had the trio surrounded.

Now here comes a show

"Stay close to me princess." Hak pushed Yona behind him, "This could get messy."

The forty or so Fire Tribe soldiers mainly ran at Hak and Yona but a few did make the decision to sneak up on the woman. 

Or at least they tried to.

Right when they got close to her a few bones in their body would break. The main ones would be wrists, ankles, arms, and legs making them immediately drop in pain.

She giggled, "Worthless humans."

And there's more

The woman thrust her hands through their chests, one for both, and ripped out the two hearts. It made the other Fire Tribe soldiers that were about to ambush her, think twice and run away.

Wrapping her fingers around the two beating hearts, she crushed them; a few drops of blood splattering here and there but none reached her clothing.

She heard a scream in the distance. "Hm?" She turned around and tilted her head in curiosity to see Hak and Yona falling off the cliff.

She zoomed over to cliff in her inhuman speed and looked down. "Well damn. Isn't that something." 

"They fell off the damn cliff." 

She faced the few soldiers that were left. "Now you just killed them you know." She edged closer to the tip of the cliff, "So make sure to tell King Soo-Won that his old friends are dead."

Then, she fell backward off the cliff with a sharp grin.


No damage was done in her fall but she did notice that her acquaintances were gone. So, she followed their scent and oh was it delightful. It wasn't just their scent but it was the scent of their blood.

Her legs briskly took her to a small one-story house. She waltzed right in, unannounced, not caring that she startled the short, feminine faced, boy with apricot hair and Yona.

"I can smell blood darling. Are you alright?"

Yona stuttered, "U-um-"

"Who the hell are you?!"

"O-oh! You're that woman from the cliff!" Yona beamed. Then she tilted her head in confusion, "But what is your name?"

"My name? Have I not told you it?"

"No!" Yelled the short boy. "Now get to talking before you're smacked with this pan!"

She chuckled. "Well, Yona. Short boy."

"Short boy?!" 

"My name is Freyja. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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