Chapter 2: A Snack

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"My name is Freyja. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Well Freyja," Yona got up and held out her hand. "My name is Yona but you already know that."

"I sure do." Freyja shook her hand.  "Now, what about you short boy?"

An irk mark appeared on his head. "My name is Yoon, not 'short boy'."

She appeared in front of Yoon with her extreme speed, looked down at him and examined his face. "Hmm. Nice to meet you, Yoon."

Yoon jumped back in shock. "How the hell did you just do that?!"

"Do what?" Freyja straightened up again. 

He pointed an accusing finger at her, "You just popped up in front of me out of nowhere! What are you?!"

Yona looked over at Freyja and Yoon from the spot next to an injured Hak. 

"Well, dear boy you're not the first to ask me that," Freyja proclaimed.

"Answer my question!"

"Yoon!" A voice yelled. "Where are you?"

Freyja turned her attention to the entrance; Including Yoon and Yona.

A man with blond hair- which was in a braid -bangs covering his eyes, and a white robe on came in.

"You're not gonna believe what just happened to me."

Yoon shoved his foot at the man in a scolding manner. "Hey don't come in here. Why are you covered from head to toe in mud."

"S-sorry Yoon, but I was praying to the gods that everyone might have peace and ease. And I guess I kinda got carried away 'cause I slipt and fell in the mud."

Then, as if a response of him talking about falling, he lost his balance and fell right onto the ground with a yelp.

"Man what a pain. The gods have definitely abandoned you this time."

The black haired woman sniffed the air. There was an amazing potent scent of blood. Better than both Yona and Hak's combined. She sped over to the man and crouched down in front of him. Freyja sniffed him more and more; all the way up to his neck.

She whispered in his ear, but more to herself, "You're an Oracle." 

He flinched; His hair moved off of his eyes, showing purple ones.

"Oh dear. And who might you be."

Freyja took one last whiff, then stood up. "I'm Freyja. It's a pleasure to meet you." She grinned, with her eyes closed, showing off her beautiful white pointy teeth. 

"What's your name," Freyja questioned the man whilst opening her eyes. His purple ones showed surprise to her blood red ones. The man's eyes glazed over for a few seconds.

He sat up. "I'm Ik-Soo and you're a-"

"Vampire. Yes, I know."

Yona and Yoon perked up. "What's a vampire?" Yona asked.

Freyja answered, "All you need to know now is that vampires are fanged predators that drink blood. Mainly from humans, of course."

Yoon seemed terrified but Yona was curious. "S-so does that mean you came to drink all of our blood?!"

"No little boy." Yoon relaxed at her response. "Then what did you come here for?"

"For the fun."

"Fun?" Yona questioned the woman.

"Yes fun. I'm not going to ruin what that fun is. That's what the Oracle is for." She faced Ik-Soo. "Now isn't that right Ik-Soo?"

"Wait!" Yona spoke up. "You mean to tell me you're the oracle?"

Ik-Soo sat up, looked at Yona and sheepishly chuckled. 

"In that case, you must've known I was coming here before I did."

"Yeah." Ik-Soo got into a praying position, "It's my job to sit in contemplation and listen to the voices of the gods. Then I bring their message to the people. "

"You seriously call that a job," Yoon interjected. "It's not like you get paid for it. You just sit around praying all day. Now give me those filthy clothes."

"Remember all that crazy god talk is what got you kicked out of the castle."

"Is that really why they kicked you out?" Yona asked.

"Are you serious? You're the kingdom's princess; You should know these things."

"Well, while you all discuss the princesses' knowledge of insignificant things." The three turn to her. "I'll be going out to get myself a snack."

She left before they could say anything to her.

"Okay humans, where are you?" Freyja sniffed the air a few times. She caught the scent of a human not too far from where she was.

Freyja sighed blissfully, "You'll definitely do."

The woman sped over to the human which took her a few minutes since they were a good distance away. The person was a female and she had long, wavy, chestnut hair that reached her hips. She also had thick lashes and eyebrows, pale skin, and hazel brown eyes.

Freyja walked up behind her and placed her hand on the female's shoulder.

"Excuse me, darling. What's your name?"

The woman turned around, startled. She began punching and kicking out of fright but her moves were more precise than the average human.

Freyja looked into her eyes. "Stop." Both of their eyes flashed; Freyja's eyes a brighter red and the female's eyes a blood red.

"What's your name?"

"Hazel," The human responded with the voice of monotony.

"Okay, Hazel, I came for a snack. So, no screaming." She pulled Hazel close by her waist and pushed her neck to the side. "Bon appetite to me." The vampire bit down.

Seconds turned into minutes and Hazel was getting limper and limper. Right when there was barely any left, Freyja removed her teeth, ripped teeth into her own wrist, and gathered some blood in her mouth.

She grabbed the woman's face, put her lips against Hazel's, and transferred the blood into her mouth.

"Swallow," Freyja ordered.

With the little strength she had left, Hazel swallowed the blood. After Hazel got the thick, wine-colored liquid down, she fainted.

The glowing vampire picked up the transitioning human bridal style and gazed down at her. 

"Oh my darling Hazel," She spoke softly. "You belong to me now. And only me."

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