Chapter 1: Destruction

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In an alternate timeline, King Cold gave birth to a different Frost Demon, his name was Chiliad. He was raised to take over planets, and either sell them, or use them for his own empire, The Chiliad Corps. During it's early years, Chiliad employed the Saiyans, a race of warriors. They were his most efficient soldiers, with their ability to get stronger each time they almost die, and the power to transform into a Great Ape from looking at a planet's full moon, which multiplied their power by 10. Everything was fine, until Chiliad noticed the Saiyans were getting too powerful too quickly. If they ever decided to, they could all transform, and kill him when he least expected it. So, he decided to keep only three Saiyans alive, and he would kill the rest of them on their planet.

Chiliad looked down on the red planet from the large window of his ship.

Chiliad looked down on the red planet from the large window of his ship

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(Chiliad)"This will sadly be last time I see this planet as it is."

(???)"My Lord!"

He turned around, and saw his two right hand men, Zarbon and Dodoria.

He turned around, and saw his two right hand men, Zarbon and Dodoria

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(Zarbon)"My Lord, there's a Saiyan coming straight for us!"

Chiliad asked the two of them, calmly.

(Chiliad)"Which one is it?"

(Dodoria)"It's that low-class soldier, Bardock!"

(Chiliad)"I thought you said you eliminated him along with his entire squad back on Planet Meat."

(Dodoria)"I thought so too, but that stupid ape played dead until I left!"

(Chiliad)"No matter, it's only one Saiyan...send some of our other soldiers after him."

Dodoria complied, and hundreds of soldiers from different races flew out the ship, and began to fight the rouge Saiyan. He punched each soldier that flew into his path, fired energy blast at the ones from afar, and even broke free from about 20 holding him back. Chiliad, Zarbon, and Dodoria watched all the carnage unfold.

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