Chapter 7: The Legendary...Normal Saiyan

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After a few minutes, Goku and Chiliad arrived in a rocky area.

(Goku)"Here we go, we won't harm any people or animals around here."

(Chiliad)"Tell me, Goku, do you remember who your father is?"

(Goku)"No, why?"

Chiliad looked up to the sky.

(Chiliad)"His name was Bardock. They called him, and his squad, low-class warriors, but they were more than that. They went to planet's that would take months to conquer, and did it in weeks. I didn't know him personally, but I did know about his wife, and your mother, Gine. They were both different from other Saiyans. It was eat, sleep, mate, fight, repeat. But they weren't like that, Gine was a kind-hearted person, I guess you got your pure heart from her side."

(Chiliad)"The two of them cared for eachother, much like these humans do. And because of that, it made Bardock stronger than what he could be on his own. Unfortunately, I noticed this, and let my stupid fear of death drive me to do many things that you wouldn't think I would regret."

(Chilad)"But, the damage is done, and I can't go back. I shall finish what I started by ending your life."

Goku got into a battle stance.

(Chiliad)"But before I do, I shall warn you, my power level is so high, I could destroy this planet a million times. But to make things fair, I won't be using it all."

(Goku)"Really, that's not what I expected, from a monster like you!"

(Chiliad)"Yes, I am a monster, but you can't change what you were raised to be."

He got into his battle stance.

(Chiliad)"Let us...begin."

Goku jumped towards Chiliad, throwing punch after punch, but Chiliad easily blocked each one. Chiliad hopped around the battlefield, before jumping towards Goku, and punched him in the face. He recoverd, and was suspended in the air. Chiliad appeared behind him, and repeatedly kicked him in the back. Goku landed on a large stone, and his aura became red.

(Goku)"Kaioken attack!"

He charged at Chiliad, and punched him square in the jaw. He then sent a barrage of punches, and a kick in the face, launching the Frost Demon back, and snapping his scouter in two. Before Goku could deal anymore damage, Chiliad kicked him in the chest.

(Chiliad)"Hey, those things aren't cheap, you know!"

(Took me 8 tries to get it in Xenoverse 2, why couldn't they just let you buy it?!)

He flew to Goku, and swung his tail to his torso, launching him like a baseball. He caught up with him, and elbowed him to the ground. Goku recovered, and was searching for Chiliad in the sky.

(Chiliad)"I'm behind you."

Chiliad appeared behind Goku, and kicked him in the back. Goku landed on another stone, and Chiliad was above him now. He threw a red energy ball at the Saiyan.


Goku's body went red, and he dodged the energy ball just before it made contact with him. Chiliad fired a energy blast at Goku, which almost hit him, ripping the right side of his shirt. The two landed on the ground, and Goku removed the damaged shirt.

(Chiliad)"I'm impressed, you've managed to get so much stronger than you were 11 months ago. Too bad we have to fight though."

(Goku)"This guy is crazy strong! Not even Kaioken-x2 is enough! I know it's risky, but I'll have to go one step further!"

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