Chapter 17: Spirit and Time

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Chiliad, along with the Ginyu Force, was on the floating temple, or better known as The Lookout, waiting for the person Chiliad called the other day.

(Ginyu)"Lord Chiliad, who exactly is coming here?"

(Chiliad)"You'll see when he arrives."

About thirty minutes passed, and a ship similar to Chiliad's came down, and stopped. After a few seconds, a large figure came out, and frightened everyone except Chiliad. It was his father, King Cold.

Chiliad was tall, but Cold was a giant compared to his son, he was almost as tall as Cold's leg

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Chiliad was tall, but Cold was a giant compared to his son, he was almost as tall as Cold's leg. But sense Cold was a mutant of the Frost Demons, he had the ability to change his size. The Ginyu Force bowed before the massive Frost Demon. He walked over to the edge of the Lookout, and inspected the Earth below.

(King Cold)"So this is Earth? How very quaint."

(Chiliad)"It is, and as I told you yesterday, these androids are a massive threat."

(King Cold)"So, you wanted me to come here to help you destroy them?"

(Chiliad)"Yes, but there's something that we must do beforehand."

(King Cold)"And what is that, son?"

(Chiliad)"Follow me."

The two Frost Demons, went inside the Lookout, and made it to a rectangular door. Chiliad opened it, inside was a white void.

(King Cold)"What is this?"

(Chilad)"The ones that used to own this place called this room, The Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Time is so fast in there, that a year's time is a day out here."

(King Cold)"Oh, I see now. You want us to train in there."

(Chiliad)"Yes, I believe we could achieve something that's even better than our true forms."

(King Cold)"Well, I don't see any reason to, but I'm not doing anything for awhile. I need something to pass the time."

The father and son entered the room, and closed the door.

(Jeice)"I know they're both strong, but how will one year help?"

(Ginyu)"Well, Lord Chiliad once told me a little bit about Frost Demons. They can get stronger faster than anyone in the universe, with a month or two, they can multiply their power level a hundred times over."


(Burter)"So that's why they're so powerful, I was always wondering!"

(Ginyu)"And with two of them training for a year's time inside that room, we have nothing to fear!"

Ginyu's scouter activated, and Abo was on the other end.

(Ginyu)"What's going on, are the androids attacking?!"

(Abo)"No, but the city, Ginger Town...there's nobody there anymore."

(Ginyu)"What do you mean?"

(Abo)"There's just clothes all over the place!"

(Ginyu)"Alright, I'll go check it out."

He ended the call.

(Ginyu)"Everyone stay here, and wait for Lord Chiliad and King Cold to exit the chamber!"

(Ginyu Force)"Yes sir!"

Ginyu flew off the Lookout, and arrived in Ginger Town. Abo was right, there was clothing everywhere. The roads, the cars, even in chairs at some of the cafes. Every shirt also had a small hole in the back, and some in the front.

(Ginyu)"Who could've done this?"

He then heard a raspy voice.

(???)"Mr.Sandman...bring me a dream...make him the cutest...that I've ever seen...give him two roses and clover...then tell him that his lonesome nights. Are. Over."

A tall, bug-like creature was now in front of him, and holding a human. It was mostly purple, but it had blue skin around it's neck area. It had bug wings, a head crest, and a black bio gem on it's forehead, and Ginyu noticed, that there were two spikes from the bio gem coming out the sides of the creature's head, it kinda looked like Ginyu's horns.

(???)"Hello, friend."

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