Chapter 37: Befriending the Buu

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Tundrai could feel the power of Majin Buu, and he was terrified at what he was doing, but he knew he couldn't stop now. After a few minutes, he discovered a strange house.

 After a few minutes, he discovered a strange house

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(Tundrai)"Th-This must be where he lives."

He went to the ground, and looked inside the house.

(Tundrai)"M-Majin Buu? Are here?"

There was no response.

(Tundrai)"M-Maybe he's asleep. I'll come back lat-"

He heard a rustling behind him. He turned around, and bowed.

(Tundrai)"Oh! Hello Majin Buu, it's an honor to be in your presen-"

He noticed that it was just a small lizard. He fired multiple finger beams at it.

(Tundrai)"You stupid lizard! I'm trying to save the freaking world here, and you're not helping!"

(Majin Buu)"Hello!"

Tundrai felt his heart drop to his stomach, as he saw what he assumed to be Majin Buu on top of the house.

The Majin jumped off, and was in front of the Frost Demon now. Tundrai noticed that they were almost the same height, with Buu being just a little bit taller.

(Tundrai)"M-Majin Buu! It's nice to finally meet you, I've heard so many great things about you!"

(Majin Buu)"Hmm, you look cold, so I'll turn you into ice cream when I eat you!"

(Tundrai)"W-Wait! I didn't come here to get eaten, I actually brought some gifts!"

He reached into his bag, and took out a box of chocolates.

(Tundrai)"These are the finest chocolates money can buy!"

(Majin Buu)"Buu like big chocolates, I eat you instead!"

(Tundrai)"Wait! Th-These are just as good! They're just smaller, so that you can eat alot more!"

Buu took a closer inspection of the chocolate, and he was a little more interested.

(Majin Buu)"Actually, they look good! You want to eat too?"

(Tundrai)"Oh no! I brought this just for you!"

Buu took one of the chocolates out, and ate it. He liked it more than he thought he would. He grabbed the box from Tundrai, and ate them by the handful.

(Majin Buu)"Buu like! Better than chocolates made from people!"

(Tundrai)"Oh, I have something else."

He took out a small, portable game from the bag.

(Tundrai)"Here, a video game!"

(Majin Buu)"Video game?"

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