Chapter 36.

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It was three in the mornin' and I woke up from hearin' my phone ringin'. I looked at who was callin' me and it was one of em one-eight-hundred numba's.

I kissed my teeth and hung up. I laid back down but I felt something poking me, causin' me ta' sit up. It was the envelope Tatianna gave me that I forgot ta' take out my pocket.

I looked at it and it had writing on it.

Only for Aug: Thank you for everything ❤️

I shook my head and noticed the lump in the envelope.

The hell did she put in hea'?

I opened it up and my whole mood went sideways. It was pictures of me and ha' and pink lace underwear.

I opened up my trash can and threw everything in it.

I walked into my bathroom and washed my hands real good and put some hand sanitizer on em afta'. No tellin' where them drawls been.

I laid back down and went to Zel contact ta' see if she up.

It only ringed for a second before she picked up.

"Hi handsome." She answered.

"What you doin' right na'?"

"What do you think I'm doing? laying here watching tv."

"You layin' onnat couch again Zel?"

"Yep, I'm only comfortable laying on the couch, we already discussed this. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I was sleep, a telemarketer called and woke me up. I'm comin' ta' stay wit you. Aight?"

"That's fine with me." I could tell she was smilin'.

She hung up so I put my phone down and grabbed my stuff befo' leavin'.
I unlocked the do' and walked in, seein' ha watchin' tv, like she said she was.

"Yay, slumber party!" She cheesed.

"Shut yo' corny ass up." I moved her legs so I could sit down.

"You look upset. What's wrong with you?" She paused ha' show.

"Nothin' wrong wit me. I'm just tired."

"Awe, you came over here so you could sleep?" She said in her baby voice.

Call me a punk all you want, but sleepin' unda' Zel brought me peace, I loved that shit.

Plus I was already a lil pissed off bout that shit Tatianna pulled, so hell yea I wanted ta' be unda' my girl.

"Cuddle with me."She sat up and gave me some of her blanket. "You might not like this movie, but it's called Room. It's about this girl and she got kidnapped, but she also has a son who has no idea about it, and now she's trying to escape with him." She
spoke before unpausing it.

"This a simp movie?" I put my arm ova' ha'.

"Yep, so don't cry." She joked.

I shook my head at ha' attempt of a joke.

"I can't reach my shoes daddy." Lea spoke, struggling in her closet.

I grabbed the shoes for her and she put them on real quick.

"Let me do your hair now so you won't go to school looking a mess." I laughed.

"Can you give me two ponytails? Pierre said he liked my hair like that." She smiled in the mirror.

"Pierre? Who the hell is Pierre?" I spun the chair around so she'd be facing me.

"He's my friend. We play together in the gym. He's the only boy nice to me."

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