Chapter Six

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We pull up a large straight strip of road, in the middle of nowhere, and I am beginning to think he brought me out here to kill me or something, when the headlight of atleast fifteen nice street cars come into view, with trailers, and over sixty some people. Most are young, and covered head to toe in tattos. This is a street race tournament. This is illegal.

"Harry, what are we doing here?" I ask him, as he parks his car infront of two large men, with tools and mechanical things. They immediately lift the hood of his car, and start checking things. Harry gets out of the car, and quickly tugs me out after him.

"Harry! What is going on?!"

"This is a street race. I have a race today. I wanted you to come." he says simply, curling his fingers around my wrist, and pulling me down the runway towards a a familiar bright orange Mustang, the olive-skinned boy leaning against it, a cigarette to his lips.

"Harry this is illegal." I whisper-shout, and he turns to me.

"I know."

"I could get in so much trouble Harry." I tell him, trying to shake his arm off.

"I'll protect you. I promise." he looks at me, his green eyes pouring into mine. He stares at me for a reply, but I stay silent. "You trust me?" I inhale a sharp breath. My dad would kill me if I got arrested. I look at him skeptically, and he leans his face closer to me.

"Do. You. Trust. Me?" he asks me again, and I take a large gulp.

"Yes." I croak, and he nods. He reclaims my wrist, and continues pulling me towards the Mustang.

"Stlyes." the olive-skinned boy says, tossing his cigarette away. He bro hugs Harry, and turns to me. "You must be Jenna." I smile polietly, and accept his hug.

"This is my friend Zayn." Harry says. I nod, and Zayn whispers something to Harry, and he nods.

"Who you racing tonight?" Zayn asks Harry, and I eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Louis." Harry says, and shrugs a bit.

"Woah dude, that's hardcore. You brought the Chevelle?" Harry nods once, and Zayn's name gets called, and he gives me a smile as he walks towards the person.

"Harry I am going to get in so much trouble." I groan, and he pulls me to him, holding both of my wrists in his hands.

"Listen Jenna, it's only illegal, if you get caught, and that's not going to happen, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?" I nod slowly, and he sighs, and a tall tattoed guy, around 22 or 23, comes up to Harry, with shaggy light brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. His eyes graze my body shamelessly, and Harry's grip and my arm tightens, making me wince slightly.

"Stlyes, I see you decided to show up" he says menacingly, and Harry rolls his eyes. "Who is this lovely lady?" he winks at me, and I shift closer to Harry.

"This is Jenna. And yes, I'm here to beat your ass on the track." Harry snaps, and Louis puts his hands up in mock defense.

"Calm down, wouldn't want to scare this beautiful girl here, now would we?" His voice is cruel, and harsh, amd he stares at me with such intensity, I am practically on top of Harry. He tenses beside, and clentches his defined jaw.

"Fuck off Louis." Harry warns. This is the guy Harry is racing? I get a queasy feeling in my stomach and the guy-now named Louis-smirks.

"What's the wager Styles?"

"Two grand." Harry says, and a small gasp escapes my lips. They both turn to look at me.

"Harry that's alot of money." I whisper and he shrugs. "Do you even have two thousand dollars on you?"


"How the hell will you pay him if you lose?" I whisper shout at him, and Louis watches the exchange with an amused look.

"I won't lose." he says simply, and sticks his hand out for Louis to shake. Louis accepts it, and saunters off to an all black car, with ten guys looking at it.

"Harry you can't do this." I hiss and he shakes his head. "If you lose, god knows what he will do if he doesn't get his money."

"I'm not going to lose Jenna." he swears, and I groan, covering my face with my hands.

"This is a disaster."

"Promise me that when I get in that car to race, you won't take off on me." he demands. Where the hell would I even go?


"Promise you won't leave the minute I get in my car." he tells me again. His eyes search my face for any unneeded emotion and I nod.

"I promise." he grins at me, before digging his wallet, out of his pocket, and sitting it in my hand. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Hold it while I race. And here." he tosses me a black leather jacket from the trunk of his car, and I shrug it on. He steps into an all black jumper, zipping it in the front. A white helmet with black decals is placed on his head, the visor raised so only his green eyes are exsposed. People rush around the car, shutting the hood. Harry turns to me.

"You can watch with Zayn's girlfriend Perrie at the starting line. Do not talk to anyone else." he instructs me. "Perrie is already waiting up there. Do you understand?" I nod, and wrap my arms around his torso. He stumbles backward, clearly in shock, before hugging me back.

"Be careful." I whisper, and he lifts my chin with his hand.

"I will." he promises, before giving me one last squeeze, and getting into his street car. I wander to what I am guessing is the starting line, and a petite blonde haired girl, with ppurple streaks waves me over. I hug Harry's jacket tighter around me, and walk through the crowd over to her.

"Hey, you must be Jenna." she says sweetly, giving me a friendly hug. "I'm Zayn's girlfriend Perrie." I nod, and there is some shouting from the guy at the starting line, holding a flashlight.

"When he shines the light they are supposed to go." Perrie explains, and I nod.

"First up," The guy says. His accent is southern, and thick, making it difficult to decipher his words. "We got, Louis, aka, Murder Nova!" people in the crowd cheer, and a few boo. "Against rising challenger, Harry, the one, the only, Youngblood!" People let out huge whistles, and shouts for Harry, and Perrie grins at me.

"Harry's an amazing racer." Perrie tells me, and I nod. "He's better than Zayn. But don't tell him I said that." we both laugh, and Harry pulls up to the starting line next to Louis, his car loud. My heart races with worry, and adrenaline. All I can picture is Harry crashing, and it makes me nauseous. I quickly shake the thought away, as the guy backs up, the light comes on, and they are gone.

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