Chapter Twenty Eight

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(I apologize for this chapter in advance, Sunshines)

Jenna's POV

I am really surprised my dad didn't  freak when I said that I was in love with Harry. I thought he would throw a damned fit. He hasn't said much of anything to me in the past hour, and Kayla is at a friend's house, so yeah, score. Come to think of it, I haven't seen my dad in a while. I get up off the couch, smoothing the flannel I stole from Harry.

"Dad?" I call. No response. I walk through the back door to the deck, and no sign of him. Hmm. I come back inside, and head up the stairs, and the bathroom along with his bedroom is empty.

"Dad seriously." I check Kayla's room, and my own. I check the basement, and he isn't in there either. I peer outside the window, and his car is still here, so he must be around here somewhere.

"Dad where are you dammit?" I walk down the hallway, poking my head into his empty office. Where the hell is he? A strangled cry leaves my lips when I reach the kitchen. The fridge door is wide open, and my dad, he's sprawled on the kitchen floor, the Snapple bottle he must have been retrieving, shattered next to him. His eyes are closed, and I don't think he's breathing.

"Dad!" I run across the floor, throwing myself onto my knees. "Oh my god!" I press my ear to his chest, nothing. I grip him tightly by the shoulders, shaking him.

"Please, get up dad!" Tears stream down my face, as I dig out my phone, and call 911.


Harry's POV

I come sprinting into the hospital, the nurse behind the counter looking like I've gone mental.

"Fuck, shit. I'm here for Christian Hastings." I pant, and the nurse clicks away on her laptop. She points an ugly red fingernail to the waiting room, where I find my beautiful love, a crying mess in one of the waiting room chairs.

"Fuck Jen, I came as soon as you called. Are you okay?" she sniffles, burying her wet face into my neck. "What happened? Is Christian okay?" She pulls away, and I wipe her cheeks with the pads of my thumbs.

"Cmon now, tell me beautiful."

"H-he is stable, t-they said." she whimpers, and I run my fingers through her dark hair, hugging her to my chest. She cries softly, soaking my black t-shirt with tears, but I don't mind. This poor girl crumbled when she lost her mum, and she might just do it again if Christian doesn't pull through.

"They said he has terminal brain cancern." I jerk her back away from me, looking deep into her green eyes. By the look on her face, she had no idea. Her bottom lip trembles.

"Did he know?" I ask, my voice just above a whisper. Her eyes ice over, a stone cold look on her face.

"He knew. He's known for six months now." she says angrily, clenching her jaw together. I pull her back to me, letting her cry some more. How can you have fucking brain cancer and mention it to your own daughter. Oh fuck. TERMINAL Brain Cancer. He's going to die. Maybe not this time, but soon. Her dad is going to die, and Jenna is going to fucking lose it. I don't know if she realizes this yet, but she will probably figure it out soon enough. I want to tell her about it this second, but if you haven't noticed, this isn't a great time.

"Baby, its going to be okay. He's going to be okay. I'm here okay?" Dammit Christian. This girl has gone through enough, and infuriates me that he would keep such an important thing from Jenna.

"Jenna! Harry!" Her sister comes rushing in, an immediately I pull Jen tighter against me, glaring at the black-haired nutcase. It's quite clear that she's been crying since she found out, and she clunks down next to Jenna, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Is she okay?" Is she actually fucking talking to me? I do have to give her some leeway, I mean, her dad is dying.

"I think she's gonna be alright. Just startled" I sigh, petting her dark hair. Jenna stays silent, burying her face into my shirt. "She found him." Kayla's eyes widen, and she lays a timid hand on her back. Jenna flinches, but relaxes once she realizes who it is.

"Poor girl It's not her fault, she didn't know." Oh shitballs. Jenna bolts up, swinging her head to the right to look her sister in the eyes. She looks as if she is literally about to snap.

"You knew?" Jenna growls, balling her small fists at her side's. I should probably intervine before there is an all out brawl in the hospital waiting room, but I think Jenna has every right to be pissed.

"You fucking knew and you didn't tell me!?" Kayla cringes, scooting further away. Woah, Jenna is fucking pissed.

"Y-yes." Kayla nearly whispers, and Jenna's eyes legit look like the pits of hell. She might kill someone.

"You little bitch! You fucking knew our dad had fucking cancer and you didn't think to tell me?!" she yells, the tears pouring down her cheeks. I've seen Jenna mad. Shit, most of the time its at me. But now, I am honestly afraid of her, and her thin bony fists that could most likely strangle Kayla at any moment.

"I wanted to tell you I swear, we just didn't think you were ready-"

"Not ready?! I'm nineteen damn years old for fucking christ sake. I'm not a fucking baby anymore Kayla! I'm getting fucking sick of be treated like a fucking fragile piece of glass. It's bullshit." she spits, and I gently pull her a back from Kayla a little.

"Jenna, I'm sorry really." Kayla whines, and Jenna literally gives her the middle finger, and flops into a chair on the opposite side of the room. Great, cheers Kayla.

"Jenna, seriously."

"No MaKayla. I'm fucking done. I'm done with your fucking shit, and your lies. And I'm fucking done with dads lies too. I'm done. MaKayla. D-O-N-E." The look of complete and utter betrayal is on her face.

"What does that even mean?"

"As soon as dad is fucking cleared, I'm moving out. I'll fucking find a damned apartment." She huffs, silencing Kayla and myself.

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