Chapter Sixteen

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"Babe, you have to eat." Harry scolds, as I push my chicken salad around with my fork. "Hey, I know you're upset beautiful." he reaches across the table, taking my hand in his.

"But I'm here for you, okay?" I nod, and take a sip of my diet coke. He rubs circles in my hand with his thumb, spreading chills throughout my body.

"It just hurts you know?" I say, and he gives my hand a squeeze."She was someone that I told everything to. Someone that I thought I could trust. But that totally back fired. My mom's dead, my sister is being a bitch, and my dad has lost his marbles. So everything is fan-fucking-tastic." my voice drips sarcasm, and Harry chuckles a little, exspsoing his cute and crooked smile I have come to love.

"You're cute when you're pissed." he says humoursly, and I fake a grimace.

"Then I'm about to get really freakin' adorable." I warn him, and he puts his free hand up in a mock defense. We both burst into laughter, our voices blending together wonderfully. 

"Have I ever told you, how amazing I think you are Jenna?"

"Only everyday." I tease, and he shakes his head with a smile.

"Well I'll do it again." he leans across the table and kisses my nose. "I think you are the most amazing and beautiful girl I have ever met. I tell you everything, I compliment you more than I should, and I kiss you alot. But it's only because I want to make these moments I have with you, worth it. I want to remember all of this someday, and look back, never regretting a single thing. It's only been a few short weeks, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. When I wake up, the first thing I do is text you good morning. Because I want you to know that I am thinking of you since the first second of every day. The way your hair falls in your face when you laugh, and you have that adorable dimple on your left cheek. The way your eyes light up when someone mentions something that you love. And how you can make friends so easily. How you can make me go so soft, and mushy within seconds just like I am now. There is a word for people like you, amazing." he smiles at me a little in embarrassment after his little speech, and I grin.

"That was literally the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." I breathe, reaching my hand over to push some untouched curls out of his face. He takes my hand as I try to pull away, and kisses my knuckles. I flush a bit, and he smiles knowingly.

"Good." the waiter walks by and drops the check on the table. Harry reaches for it, but I snatch it before he can get to it, and he frowns. "There is no way in hell you're paying for it." I open the checkbook, warding off his long grabby hands.

117 dollars. Harry knows that I have plenty of money to throw around, but he refuses to let me pay for anything. He grabs the booklet when I'm digging through my clutch, and sticks his credit card in it. I scowl at him, and he chuckles.

"Harry, I hate it when you spend your money on me." I groan.

"But I want to."

"But it's yours. You earned it. You should save it or something." I tell him, and he shakes his head quickly.

"No, Jenna, I have plenty of money. I finally have someone to spend it on." He pecks my lips, and I pout. The waiter brings back his card, and Harry takes my hand as we stand up.

"So, did this qualify as a good first date?" Harry asks me, climbing into the car.

"Mmmh, I liked the race better." I admit, amd he glances over at me, a cute and shy smile on his face.

"Really?" his eyes light up with amusement and excitement at the mention of his race.

"Yes really. I liked going to the race."

"I have another one in two days, you tagging along?" his voice is hopeful, as he reaches across the dash and takes my hand.

"Yeah. Love to."

"Do you want me to take you home now babe?" he raises his eyebrows, and my heart jumps.a few beats. Do I really want to go home with my bitchy sister? She'll either say hurtful things to me, or say bad things about Harry. I don't feel like listening to it.

"We can, go to your place?" I suggest, and he snaps his head to look at me. He takes his lip ring between his teeth. He is clearly nervous to bring me to his house.

"Uh yeah. Okay. My uh, my mum is in town." he informs me, and my heart rate speeds up. "She'll be gone in two days, if you don't want to-"

"No." my voice is shrill and high. "I mean no. It's okay. I'd love to meet her." he purses his lips together, and evil smirk on his face.

"You say that now."

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