Chapter Twenty Five

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"Babe, are you tired?" Harry mumbles into my hair. My eyes droop a bit, and I yawn. Anne already went up to bed, so Harry and I are cuddling on the couch, me leaning back against his chest, with his face buried into my neck.

"Cmon babe, we're going to bed." My eyes fly open, and I move my body to look at him.

"I am not sleeping with you." I emphasize the not, and he grunts, tugging on my arm.

"It's not a bid deal Jen. Just come sleep with me." he gives me big puppy dog eyes. I sigh, and slowly let him lead me up the steps to his room. His bed is a large queen size, with a nice white comforter and sheets. He strips down to a pair of black boxers, his long and model like legs showing. He throws an all black t-shirt at me, and it smells like his axe cologne and mint. He disappears into his bathroom, and I take the opportunity to change. I slide the material over my body, it hanging to my mid-thigh. He comes out of his bathroom, his forest eyes grazing my body with his mouth dropped. I blush, and Harry clears his throat, flopping onto his bed. I gently ease in next to him, putting about a foots worth of distance between us. My eyes are heavy, and I know that Harry is saying something, but I can't unblur the words. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling my so my back is to his front, his face muzzled into the base of my neck. And at this moment I realize, I have fallen for Harry. Hard.


Light floods through Harry's burgundy curtains, almost blinding my when I open my eyes. My hair sticks to the back of my neck, and I am soaked with sweat. Clearly Harry's body has made mine much too hot, and I am currently about to piss myself. His head is on my stomach, his arm wrapped around my waist in a death grip. I try to gently slip away from him, but he grumbles, pushing me back down. He seems to be in a deep sleep, so I carefully move his arm to clutch the pillow, and successfully free myself. He stirs a bit, but clings to the pillow, snoring lightly. I find my way into his bathroom, and decide to take a hot shower. Once I am done, I find one of Harry's smaller black flannels, and put it on, along with some denim shorts I brought along. I give up on my wet hair, putting it in a delicate French braid down my back. I decide to go with no makeup, and brush my teeth with my finger. I am poking around his bathroom drawers for any type of hairspray, which I know he must have, when the familiar glint of the airplane charm on the counter catches my gaze. I stop looking abruptly, taking the charm in my hand. I'm positive that's the same charm Louis has. But what I don't understand is why I am thinking so much about this stupid little charm. Maybe they bought it from the same place. I doubt it, I've never seen one like it before. I turn it over in my palm, and in small letters the simple words 'Loyalty is Trust' are etched in the wing. What does that even mean? I have to get a look at Louis' necklace to see if it has the same engraving. I carefully put the necklace back in its place, and back out of the bathroom. Harry is still sleeping, and by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing, Anne must be awake. I come into the kitchen, where Anne is at the head of the table, a cup of what I presume is tea to her lips. She greets me warmly, gesturing for me to sit. I wonder if she knows anything about the necklace? Probably not. I'm way over thinking this.

"Glad you're awake. I wanted to talk to you privately." She says, her accent thick, her tone, serious. I hope she's not one of those mothers that lose their shit when their son has a girlfriend.


"You seem like a very sweet girl Jenna. But I must tell you, I am quite surprised to see you with my son." she says cooly, leaning back in her chair. "My boy has many,many secrets to keep, and don't be surprised if they pop out of nowhere." What the hell does that even mean? I'm almost positive we're talking about Harry's street racing, which I clearly already know about.

"I must tell you that I already know."I tell her equally as casual. Her eyebrows shoot up in astonishment, a look of surprise evident in her features.

"Wow, I can't believe he actually told you about that. He hardly tells anyone anything about him. I mean, I worked for years to get him to tell me about his father and step-brother, without success." Woah, hold the phone. Step-brother? Harry has nver mentioned a word about a a step-family, or even his father in general. Anne looks at me, and I look at her, nodding along like I know what the fuck she's saying. Why wouldn't Harry tell me? After I told him everything about my mother, he still hides things from me? Maybe somewhow the necklace fits into all of this.

"Do you know anything about that necklace Harry wears?" I ask her, and she shrugs a little.

"He wears it mostly every day. I haven't really asked him anything about it. Why?"

"No reason." A mess of a Harry Styles staggers into the kitchen, wearing grey sweatpants, and a black hoodie.

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