Chapter Forty Two

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"Harold! I'm home." I call, and he comes rushing in, his mouth full of toothpaste. Well that's attractive.

"Harold? That's a new one." he says with blue teeth. I shake my head, gesturing for him to spit in the kitchen sink. He rinses his mouth out with the little sprayer thing, and turns excitedly to his coffee.

"I missed you."

"Harry. I was only gone for half an hour." I chuckle, pecking him on the lips. "You're adorable."

"Hardy har har. I gotta take a piss." he says, walking back down the hallway to the bathroom.

"Thanks for the notification." I mumble in amusement, sitting my computer on the table. My phone brings from my purse and I lunge for it.

Niall; Be ready in two days. Come in at eight. :) xx

I start my first job in just two days. Should I mention I have to work with Niall? Probably. Will Harry demand I quit? Probably. Do you think I am going to mention it before Thursday? Probably not.

"Babe, what is this?" I jump when Harry asks me this. I almost drop my phone, barely catching it before It hits the tile floor. I glance up, and Harry is holding a black, rectangular box, turning it around and around in his hands. Oh. My. God. I snatch the box from him, my cheeks red.

"Oh, nothing." I mutter, and a sly smirk forms on his lips. Oh no.

"Please don't say it."

"Oh my shit tampons." Harry starts to howl with laughter and I scowl at him, feeling like I could choke on my own blush. "Well isn't that just bloody fantastic?"

"Oh god. Harry stop. Let's not talk about it." I whine, putting the box under the sink. He places his hands on my hips, leaning back against the counter. I can see the wheels turning in his head us he sets up another joke.

"Oh, is it someone's time of the month?" he says teasingly, and I smack his arms off of me, pouting.

"Yeah, so don't fuck with me." I warn, and he puts his hands up in a mock defense.

"Well, I love you, bloody or not." he gives me a cheeky grin and I shake my head at him.

"I love you too, asshole." I retort, throwing a rubberband ball from the counter at him. He catches it without problem, and I flip him off, walking away.


My alarm starts beeping at seven, and I roll out of bed, almost falling over Harry's jeans. God dammit. If I didn't fucking live here, he would be a damned hoarder.

I take a hot shower, rinsing Harry's sweat of my body. Niall said that I can dress like I do everyday, as long as it covers me. It's November and we are getting into winter, so its cold as fuck. I choose a pair of acid wash skinny jeans, a plain black, fitted top with lace sleeves, and a pair of velvet black wedges. My appearance has changed drastically since Harry picked out those darker clothes for me. I feel more confident in my outfit choices now, and I think I look better. Different, but better. I put on mascara, and a red lipstick, putting my wet hair in a sleek ponytail, with my slanted bangs falling in my eyes. I walk quickly back into the bedroom, careful not to wake a sleeping Harry as I collect my phone and charger, putting them into my purse. I am about to leave the room, when Harry's raspy morning voice stops me.

"You're not gonna kiss me before you go?" he croaks, and a small smile forms on my lips, and I turn to face him. He's sitting up on his elbows, his bare chest showing along with his tattoos. His dark curls are a mess on his head, and he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. I lean down across the bed, and give him a brief kiss.

"Good luck!" He calls after me. "LOVEEEEEE YOUUUUU!"

"Yeah yeah. Love you." I shout back, tossing him a wave over my shoulder. I hear his deep laugh from behind me as I keep walking.

I park infront of the Starbucks, taking notice to the blue pick up truck in the spot next to me. I immediately regret all descisions of not telling Harry that Niall was my co-worker. He is going to flip a bitch when he finds out. I sigh, and walk through the coffee shop door, the little bell jingling. Niall's bright smile appears from behind the counter and I smile back politely, walking over to the black aprons hanging up behind the counter. I tie it around my middle, and inhale a sharp breath. So far, so good.

"So how's the whole living with Harry situation?" Niall asks casually. He walks over to the entrance, and flips the sign to open.

"Good. Fine. We're good." I force a smile at him. "He's stubborn as hell, but we're getting there."

"He has that effect. I saw him coming out of Target yesterday with some blonde girl." My heart rate immediately picks up. Who the fuck. I know he went to Target yesterday to get diet coke for me, but the fuck is this blonde girl.

"Could you be more specific?" I ask nonchalantly, trying not to just flip out without reason.

"Uh, tall, fit, wears a lot of black, blue eyes.." Oh.

"Oh that's Harry's sister Riley." I breathe, helping him wipe down tables. He stops abruptly, and stares at me. "What."

"Harry told us he was an only child." Niall informs me, and I almost smack myself across the face.

"Oh, I uh, yeah sure whatever." STUPID. Maybe if Harry didn't keep so many secrets we wouldn't have this problem.

"So he does have a sister?" Niall presses me for more information, and I nod slowly. Harry is going to murder me.

"Well shit." is all he responds with before leading me back behind the counter when someone walks in. He hands me a sharpie and a cup, and I stare at him in disbelief. "Go."

I grumble cuss words under my breath, plastering a fake smile on my face for the petite blonde woman in a business outfit, with a Blackberry.

"Iced mocha, low fat milk, a shot of cream." Well fuck. I glance over to Niall, who is handing a blueberry scone to who must be the woman's child, and he send me a thumbs up. Gee. Thanks for your help Irish idiot. I walk over to the coffee maker, and I think I did it right. It looks right, at least. I put the ice in, and when I try to snap the lid on, I drop it.

"Fuckkk." I groan, and the woman glances up at me with death in her eyes. Niall quickly rushes to my rescue, helping me make a new one. Because the last one wasn't close to correct.

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