Chapter Twenty

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Harry's POV

Ever since I yelled at Jenna at the food court she hasn't spoken two words to me the whole rest of the time. It hurts me, and pissed me off at the same time. She quickly hugs Zayn and Perrie goodbye, and walks to my car without a single word to me. I groan, and fish my keys out of my pocket. I climb into the as she is putting on her seatbelt, and quickly lock the doors so she can fucking run when I start talking. Her eyebrows shoot up, and she crosses her arms over her chest.


"Harry." she mocks, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. I can tell I'm actually pissing her off by making her stay away from Niall. But that prick doesn't know how to leave shit alone.

"Jenna, I mean it. I want you to stay away from him."I demand, and her eyes narrow, a low scoff escaping her lips.

"You can't tell who I can and cannot be friends with Harry. You don't own me." She spits, trying to unlock the door, but I quickly lock it back.

"He's a total fuck douche! He only wants to get into your pants!" I excliam, and she shakes her head in disagreement.

"How many fucks do I give? None. Niall is a nice guy, and we are just friends." She huffs, and I hit the steering wheel with the heel of my hand making her startle.

"Dammit Jenna!" I hiss. "Why can't you just fucking listen?!"

"Why do you have to be so jealous?"

"Oh fuck off. I am not jealous. He knows he can't ever have you. You're mine. We've discussed this." I roll my eyes, and she makes a growling sound.

"I am not your property Harry! I can be friends with whoever I want! If I want to be friends with Niall, I will be!" she yells suddenly. Anger bubbles inside of me, and I know I'm about to lose my shit. Here it comes.

"Well then he can have you!" I scream, and her eyes widen.

Jenna's POV

"Well then he can have you!" he screams, and it knocks the wind out of me. I stare at him, my eyes wide, and frightened. The words setlle on his face as he pales slightly. Moisture builds at the corners of my eyes, my bottom lip trembling slightly. This is going way too far. His green eyes dart around quickly, searching for something to say. A strangled cry leaves my lips as I quickly lift the lock on the door and climb out of the car quickly.

"Jenna!" I slam the door, the tears finally breaking free. The wind whips my hair around violently, making it freezing cold. Despite the fact I'm wearing heels, I move as fast as I can across the pavement away from the car. I half expect Harry to come after me, but he doesn't. Prick. I wrap my arms around my chilled body. I start to wander the parking lot, when a familiar Irish voice calls my name.

"Jenna?" I move my hair out of my face, connecting gazes with Niall through blurry eyes. "Why are alone out here?" He shrugs off his checked black and grey flannel, draping it over my shoulders.

"Harry he.." I sniffle, and his lips form a tight line. He seems to already know why Harry and I were arguing, and runs his fingers up through is blonde hair making it stick up.

"Where is he?" his eyes scan the parking lot for the blue Chevelle, but I know its already gone.

"He left." I mumbles, and he makes a frustrated grunting noise.

"Do you want a ride?" he asks casually, fishing his keys out of his black jeans. I am hesitant to accept because this is the whole reason Harry is pissed in he first place, but Harry isn't here so.. fuck it. I nod once, and he brushes his hand over my arm, leading me to a rusty blue pick-up truck, and opens the door for me. I thank him quietly, clicking my seatbelt into place. He runs around the other side, doing the same.

"I can take you home, or we can grab some ice cream or something." he casually tosses in there. Well I really don't want to be around Kayla, and Harry's house is occupied by Harry, so a little run-around with Niall is okay.

"Sounds great."I muster a weak smile, wiping mascara off my cheeks. He smiles wide, before clicking his truck into gear.

Harry's POV

"Where's Jenna?" Is the first fucking thing my mum says when I walk through the door, slamming it behind me. I run my fingers trough my hair, tugging at the roots.

"I don't know." I answer honestly, and she furrows her eyebrows. After she basically ran from me, I decided to let her cool off, then I would talk to her and apologize or whatever.

"I thought she was staying with you?" mum asks casually, taking a sip of her tea. I sigh, sitting my keys on the counter by the sink.

"Well she's mad at me, so if you would like to talk some fucking since into her, be my guest." I say sarcastically, and my mum hums in amusement. She puts her cup down on the table, and gestures for me to sit. I grumble some curse words, but begrudgingly take the seat across from her.

"So, what did you do?" I scoff, and roll my eyes.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Just a lucky guess." her tone is humorous, but she's a girl, she may be able to help. Probably not. "Now, spill."

"Jenna won't quit talking to a fucking prick that is trying to get with her. I told her to stay the fuck away from him, but she's so damn stubborn, and won't listen." I explain, and my mum laughs dryly.

"Honey, don't worry who wants her. Be happy with the fact that she wants you." Yeah, because that makes so much fucking since. Thanks mother. My eyebrow shoots into the air.

"But mum..what if she starts to like him more?" I mumble, and she sighs.

"Ah, so that's it. You're afraid she'll leave you for someone better." she nods to herself, me remaining silent.

"Oh my boy, Jenna is a very sweet girl. I can tell you like her very much. Listen, you have to trust her Harry." My eyes harden at her mention of trust. I'm a pretty closed off person, especially when it comes to girls, and things. But for some reason, I am pretty open with her. Well..she know most things. But lets not get into that.

"What do I do mum?" I groan, covering my face with my hands.

"You take your punishment like a man, and apologize. Now."

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