Chapter Twenty Two

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Zayn opens the door to his small-but reasonable-apartment seconds after I knock. He is wearing the same clothes from the mall earlier, and by the look on his face I know Harry is bugging the fuck out of him. He gestures for me to come in, and I sit on his small leather couch.

"So, Harry is literally driving me crazy? What happened?" His eyebrows raise, and it looks like he has been cleaning his house up a little. Bottles of Windex lay scattered across the shiny coffee table.

"He's pissed at me for talking to Niall." I shrug, laying my violently vibrating phone on the table with a sigh.

"Oh I see. " he nods, pursing his lips together. "Harry is very protective." I grunt, declining his incoming call.

"He seems like he really wants to talk to you." I tip my head back, looking at the ceiling.

"Well I don't want to talk to him." I huff, closing my eyes. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I swear I am going to hear vibrating in my sleep.

"What like, did he say? Because even if he is my friend I will still smack him upside the fucking head." I muster a weak laugh, and Zayn grins at me.

"He said that if Niall wants me, he can have me." I mutter, and Zayn's lips form a tight line. "I'm sorry for making you choose sides. He is your friend."

"No, Jenna. You're my friend too. Plus Perrie adores you. She should be back soon." He walks to the fridge, pulling out two diet cokes. They live together? I mean I knew they were serious, but not that serious. Somehow its almost really, really cute. I can tell that Zayn really loves her. The way his eyes light up when someone mention anything to do with her. And she is very lucky as well. Zayn is so sweet, and caring, it would be immpossible not to love that big idiot. A space in my chest aches for that sort of afffection from someone. I know its so much to ask out of one person, and I have yet to meet a person who is up for the challenge.

"Jenna?" Zayn snaps me put of my daydream. From his humorus tone, I can tell he's been saying my name for a while.

"Oh, uh, come again?" he chuckles, leaning back on the recliner.

"I said that Harry was calling me again. Do you want me to say you're safe with me?" I bite my lip in debate. It would be really unfair of me not to tell Harry where I was, because I don't want to worry him. I slowly nod, and Zayn accepts the call.

"She's with me, she's alright." There is silence and then a annoyed grunt from Zayn.

"No Harry." I can tell Harry is really pissing Zayn off, and I give an amused laugh.

"Uh....." he glances over at me, as if he is debating whether or not to answer whatever question Harry bombarded him with.

"Niall. Niall drove her here." Oh fuck.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME?!" Even though the phone is not on speaker, I could hear Harry screaming at Zayn through the phone. Zayn winces, and pulls the phone away from his ear. He mouthes me an 'I'm sorry' and I grimace. Harry is going fucking flip on me. Or Niall. Niall. Oh my god Niall. Harry is going to kill him. Zayn quickly ends the call, and turns to me, with a nervous expression.

"What did he say?" I ask, my voice laced with panic, and the same time annoyance towards Harry for freaking out.

"Um..he said he is coming to get you..and that He's pissed." He says cooly, not making eye contact. I know he is holding off on something. Slowly his dark eyes travel over to mine, and he is waging an internal war, I can see it.


"And he is going to puck you up after he talks to Niall." he says those deadly words in under one breath, so quickly I almost miss them. I cringe, and run my hand through my hair.

"Oh my god Zayn. Harry is going to kill him." I groan, hurriedly putting my things into my purse.

"Where are you going?"

"To stop Harry from committing a homicide."

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