+ chapter thirteen

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+ raelynn's pov

"Are you sure about this, Rae."

"No, but it could help me get over him. I just need to talk to him. I want to clear the air before moving on."

"Raelynn, I really don't think this is a good idea. It might make things worse," Addison said, giving me doubts.

"After this, I plan on avoiding him. I'm just gonna confront him."

"Well, this is probably gonna end up a mess," she mumbled eating her popcorn.

"Just wish me luck," I said, grabbing some popcorn.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Addy yelled from upstairs.

I ran my hands over my poor excuse of an outfit, replying, "I won't!" Grabbing my jacket, I looked at myself in the mirror, mentally shaking my head. I knew this wasn't a good idea but I wanted to know where his head was at and sitting around moping wasn't going to give me answers.

Sighing, I placed the jacket over myself trying to cover the exposed skin. My t-shirt being way too small for even a baby to wear and my jeans forcing me to breathe in all the junk I had consumed. I would never wear these but I knew he would be affected by my choice of clothing.

I climbed into my car feeling the cold air nip at my skin despite the jacket. I drove to the dentistry, feeling my nerves kick in. I didn't need this appointment but it was the only way to reach Grayson. After the incident at the club, we went back to completely avoiding me.

Normally, I wouldn't chase a guy like this, but being the second guy I've had feelings for, someone told me to go for it. Grayson gave me feelings that only Mica has ever given.

The same building I've been to way too many times, comes into my view. I wanted to just turn back and go home but I knew I wouldn't stop thinking about the situation without talking to him about it.

Walking through the door, the lady at the desk, which I have learnt to be named Ms Hart, sent me her warm smile. I returned the gesture. As she assumed I had come to see Grayson, she said, "Dr. Dolan is free if you're here to see him."

"Thank you, Ms Hart."

"No problem, Raelynn," she smiled.

I walked to his office, knocking before entering. "Come in," I heard his voice say from inside. I entered seeing someone else in the room. It was the same girl from the night before, Leilani. But she was wearing the same white coat and blue gloves I had seen everyone else here wearing. Does she work here? Seeing her made me regret my choice of clothing so I decided against taking my jacket off, feeling self-conscious but also stupid for wearing it.

"Raelynn, good to see you again." He faked his enthusiastic energy and it was blatantly obvious he was slightly uncomfortable, even intimidated, with Leilani and I both being near.

Faking a smile, I walked to the bed before he asked Leilani to step out of the room.

"Lei, I'll take it from here. I'll call you if I need anything."

She walked out and as soon as she stepped out of the room, I said, "What's up with you, Grayson? You completely ignore me for two weeks and decide to talk to me again when I'm with a guy at the club!" I couldn't help my voice raising but I was frustrated by the way he has been acting.

"I wanted to talk to you, I promise. But Leilani came back and I sort of got caught up with her. I didn't ignore you on purpose."

He had a much softer tone of voice than I did but it didn't lower the amount of anger I had towards him.

"Who is this Leilani girl anyway. She was with you at the diner and the club. And it turns out she works here too?"

He sighs before speaking, "she's my ex-girlfriend. I was with her since high school but she left me without any explanation. It gave me a shock when she came back and I just wanted to know why she left. There's nothing between us anymore. I'm just helping her with getting around LA again, she doesn't know anyone from this area and she came to me for help. She needed a job so I offered her a small job here to help out a little until she can find a stable one."

He walked towards me grabbing my hands, looking deep into my eyes, almost as if he's trying to read what I'm thinking. "When Lei came back, I knew I shouldn't lead you on if there could still be feelings for her. I tried flirting with other girls to get you out of my head but you were there no matter what. I only have feelings for you and only you, Rae. I like you and it's been hard not hanging around you."

My angry state was replaced with a soft gaze as I just looked at him.

Sighing, I looked down, "Just give me a bit of time, Grayson." As much as I wanted to forgive him, I wanted to make sure I completely trust him again.

The door opening caused us to turn our heads towards the door as Leilani walked in.

"Grayson, Dr Casey needs you to sign something in his office," she says innocently.

"Uh, okay," he replies before turning to look at me, "I'll see you soon?" He asks. I nod in response as he walks out. Just as I'm about to get off the bed, Leilani walks towards me pushing me down.

"You can't leave without a small check up. I'll just check if you have any issues with your teeth," she smiles evilly.

"N-no, it's fine. I had a check up a few weeks ago," I stuttered, scared.

"No, I insist," she smirks before pulling out a syringe from her pocket. My eyes widened and before I could move, she injects my gums. 'Slut' was all I heard mumbled by her before being sent into a dark daze.


ignore the part about her choice of clothing. i had completely different plans for this chapter but changed my mind!
spoiler: leilani's the bitch of the story if you couldn't tell ;)
thank you for reading!
i love you all <3

the nanny ; ethan dolan

thank you all so much! i never thought this would even get 100 reads i love seeing you all enjoy this book. recently loads of you have been sending me so much love and i appreciate it all.
i love you guys so, so much 💙

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