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As a warning for the story in full, not any chapters soon after this though, there is descriptions of gore, though they're not that great since it's my first time doing that? Also, lots of swearing for any of you who don't like that. Idk why, but that's how I write!

Tord stared blankly at his ceiling, his body refusing to get off the bed. Glancing at his alarm clock he never used properly, he saw the time was 11:24 in the morning. "Tord?" Pat's voice calls from the other side of his door, the sound of knocking accompanying it before the door opened. "Didn't you have to be somewhere soon?"

"For fucks sake-" Tord said, forcing himself off his bed.

"Tord! Please watch your language! I don't know what you and your friends say at school, but please keep it out of this house!" Pat scolds

"Whatever." Tord says, rolling his eyes as he pushes his way past his father to go downstairs.

"Tord-!" Pat starts, but cuts himself off as Tord ignores him and disappears around the corner of the stairs, now on the first floor.

Normally Tord would try a little harder not to upset his parents, key word being a little, but if he stuck around to listen to a rant on why he shouldn't swear in their house he'd definitely miss the dumbest event he was pretty much forced to go to at this point. Matt's birthday party, of course. The only reason he was going was because Matt would be sad if he didn't, and he'd never hear the end of it from him afterwards.

He got ready, made sure he didn't really interact with either Pat or Pau during this time, and then left to walk to Matt's home. It was early spring, the winter having ended not that long ago, and the temperature was cool. Cold enough for a jacket of some kind, but not like the freezing winds that winter brought.

Arriving at Matt's door, he knocks on it, and barely a few seconds later the door is flung open by Matt, "Hi Tord! Come on in!" Matt says, dragging Tord inside by his hoodie's sleeve.

"I thought you said that birthday parties were for babies?" Tom says when he sees who Matt's drug inside.

"You've been here longer than I have, you're still the bigger baby." Tord says, shrugging. 

"If you say so," Tom says as Tord pecks his cheek. "What ever happened to your math homework you failed to do?"

"May as well have got a zero. A zero minus sounds about right."

"Hey, guys! Edd's here!" Matt calls to them from across the room. He then gasps, "And he brought his kitty!"

Tord snorts at Matt's reaction, "With how you react to that cat, I wouldn't be surprised if she could play drums." (I'll die if anyone gets what I'm referencing lmao, a cat playing drums? What a Starr!)


Around an hour later, the four and some of Matt's other friends were watching some dumb movie that had decided to show it's face. The classic movie The Princess Bride. How inconceivable.

At some point Tord had left the area to find where Matt hid chips, or something similar, when a voice called out to him in a loud whisper. "Hey! You!"

Startled, Tord looked around, his eyes wider than usual. No one else had followed him, how could he hear someone's whisperings? "Hello?" He calls out quiet enough so no one else hears him.

He moves to look into the dining room, and then freezes dead in place as he saw an unfamiliar, yet familiar figure..

They had brown, spikey hair, a tie with a gray vest, and some kind of weird, digital goggles that displayed shapes in the general form of "eyes". "U-Uh-!?" was all Tord ended up saying.

"Shhh! Follow me for a second so I can actually talk to you!" They say, dragging Tord against his will into the back yard.

"Who are you?"

"Oh? You don't recognize me?" They say, sounding bitter as the fake eyes narrowed at him. "Thomas Rhoades, asshole."

Tord stared at 'Thomas', confused, "But Thomas Rhoades is inside the house behind us.. He's also shorter than you are." He ignores 'Thomas''s tasteful addition of the word "asshole".

"I sat there right now, as well."

"..What does that even mean?"

Tom rolls his digital eyes, "I'm the same Thomas; I'm from the future, and I've come to speak with you about something rather.. trying."

Tord decides to believe him; the guy does look just like Tom does, just older. "Fine, whatever. What do you want?"

"I need to take you to the future with me, or you won't believe what I need to tell you, and it'll keep repeating."

"Stop being so dramat- Wait what? Me? To the future?" Tord says concernedly as he realizes what Tom said.

"Yes. You and me back to the future. Just for a second at least?" Tom says, sounding a bit frantic at Tord's disbelief of the situation.

"Well.., if you're Tom; my Tom, I can trust you, right?" Tord was very confused still, and didn't know what to think. But if he's also Tom then he's fine to follow him. Right? Tom would never trick him into something dangerous, after all.

"..Right.." Tom sounds a bit sad when he says that. "Come, follow me." The two go into the future, or Future Tom's present, and it's so different Tord doesn't even have a reaction for it besides widened eyes as he looked around.

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