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When Tord opened his eyes again, he had no idea where he was. He seemed to be in an old, empty warehouse. After searching for a bit, he found a way out and quickly left the creepy place behind. He needed to see Tom right now to know for sure he was okay, and that their future selves dying hadn't affected either in some way.

He ran towards the city; it wasn't destroyed anymore, obviously. Actual, normal, every day people walked around the tall buildings living their normal lives. Tord felt tears prick at his eyes; he was so used to the death and destruction of the other place by now...

He ran, and ran, and didn't stop running until he got to his own house. He also felt like he needs to apologize to his parents; especially Pat. Out of breath as he stops running after reaching the door, he rings the doorbell. About a minute later Pat opens the door. His eyes widen as he stumbles back, looking like he'd have a heart attack after recognizing the person as Tord, "T-Tord!?" He practically shouts in surprise, "Tord, is it really you!?"

Without replying, Tord hugged Pat instead, nearly crying. Pat would never believe he just got back from a world where he no longer existed. Two sets of footsteps came downstairs, and Tord saw Pau and Tom appear, both now looking surprised and in shock as well.

"Tom! Don't ever leave me again!" Tord says as he tears himself away from Pat and launches himself at Tom, the two nearly falling down.

"Me leave you? You left me for nearly two months!" Tom points out, hugging the crying Tord. "Where the hell where you!?"

"I-I- I don't know? I was here.., but not here..." Tord says, pulling away from Tom as Pat pulled he and Pau, Tom following, into the living room where everyone but Pau sat down.

"Where were you." Pau says firmly, demanding an answer as if this were entirely Tord's fault. (Which it kinda could be.., but y'know, whatever.) "..Is that blood?"

Tord jumps a bit, his hand flying to his face as he rubbed drying blood from his knows. Ah, yes, of course he'd be bleeding after getting slapped by a robotic fist in his face, "Uhhhh.., a cyborg did it?" Tord supplies, shrugging. Pau didn't look impressed.

It was strange. This was the Pau he always knew; strict and on a one way path. But the last he spoke with Pau, he was like a different person, and broken inside, "I can tell you the truth, but you won't believe me." Tord adds.

"Please tell us what happened. Who hurt you!" Pat demands worriedly.

Ooh, they'd get a kick outta this one, "Technically, I did this." Tord says, vaguely motioning to his bloody nose. He was given slightly concerned looks instead of whatever he was expecting, "..Okay, so, uh.., I was brought to a future where I ruled the world pretty much. Everything was destroyed." Tord starts, summarising what happened, "And basically my future self hit me.. shot Tom...., and then I kind of, maybe..." Tord stops for a moment, "Smashed his face in?"

Pat gave him a really concerned look, also looking quite horrified, "You..-What?"

"Killed me?" Tom says, confused as he scrunched his face up as he gave Tord an incredulous look.

"I don't really know how or why, but we hated each other to literal death where I was. Yet it's kinda funny since your future self is the one who brought me there."

"Wait- What!? So I'm not crazy? I really did see myself with you before you vanished??" Tom interjects.

"Huh? You saw that?"

"I saw someone who looked almost just like me." Tom clarifies.

"That was you from the future then, since hd brought me there saying I needed to do something..."

"And you trusted him?" Pau says, shaking his head.

"It was Tom! Why wouldn't I!?" Tord challenges, "If anything, I think you of all people should be greatful that I ended up where I was for two months!" He snaps, kind of trying to act like the Red Leader to get his point across, "I can stop an entire damn trainwreck from happening just by moving someone out of the way before they're shot, and none of that future will ever fucking happen!"

"I don't honestly believe any of this. Since when could we time travel?" Pau points out, disregarding what Tord had said.

"If no one ever comes here from the future, then it's a paradox where we never find out. I clearly remember being there."

"Pau, stop being so mean about it to him! He's finally back, can't you leave it at that?" Pat says, sighing in frustration.

"While that's true, now he'll talk about this "future" and look like a loon to the whole globe!"

"I can kind of prove it, if you really want me to." Tord says, "I know much more about this Red Army then I ever wanted to, such as I'm supposed to lead it when I'm older. I know that you know about this, as well."

"W-What?" Pau says, confused.

"And this stupid thing brought me to and from the future." Tord adds, holding up the watch that was still on his wrist.

"Pat? You know more about the RA than I do. Is that true?" Pau says, repeating himself from earlier.

"Uh, ...maybe?" Pat says unhelpfully.

Pau gives him the confused look now instead of Tord, Tord gives him a slightly suspicious look, and then Tom's utterly confused, "The hell are we talking about." He says.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it anymore anyways..." Tord mutters, leaning on Tom. He'd rather ignore the past two months for now in favor of just being back home.

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