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A week later and I only see Harry and Edward at dinner times, they then sneak off together somewhere afterwards and come home in the early hours of the morning. I've busied myself with exploring the house and getting ready for the new school year that starts tomorrow, I am not looking forward to another year of torment.

Apparently dinner time in the Styles household is a big event unless James is working. Him and my mum are on shift together now, mums hours have changed to early morning and she's home with James at night. I don't see them much though, they have their own private wing of the house and I haven't even been there yet, I don't have any desire to see it either.

I'm sat at the formal dining area as my mum serves up dinner, I'm in grey sweats and a tight navy blue t-shirt with a grey beanie on my head, my feet are clad in white socks. Harry and Edward sit beside me and mum and James across from us. Both boys have on skinny jeans and button ups, I assume they are going out again.

Mum places my dinner in front of me, chicken, rice and salad. Harry and Edward dig in straight away, I busy myself with just playing with my food. I seem to have lost my appetite lately, I've been stressing about going back to school and it's not helping either.

"Louis, beanie off at the table please" My mum says gesturing to my head as she kisses James and sits down at her place.

"But...my heads cold" I complain.

I hear chuckling from both Harry and Edward beside me and James has a wide smile on his face.

"Louis" My mum warns and I sigh.

I take the beanie off, revealing my messy hair and go back to playing with my dinner. I can feel Harry and Edwards eyes on me and it gives me butterfly's in my stomach.

"You okay there bud?" James asks concerned as he takes a sip of his ice water, he's noticed I'm not really eating.

"I'm fine" I smile slightly.

"Not hungry?" He asks again and if I'm not mistaken he sounds concerned.

"Not......not really" I tell him, looking at my plate. Harry and Edwards eyes bore into me and I squirm in my seat.

Before James can say anything, his phone starts ringing. He's on call with the hospital and he gets up to answer it, It's then that my mums phone rings too and she's up out of the room answering hers as well. Leaving Harry, Edward and I alone.

I am about to get up to leave the table to avoid the awkwardness, when Harry reaches over and shifts some hair off my forehead that was obviously messed up when I took the beanie off, he doesn't say anything else and goes back to eating.

"Can you eat some food please Louis" Edward then asks from besides me, I look over to him confused. He is busy eating his dinner and doesn't acknowledge me.

"I'm not hungry" I tell him.

"He didn't ask if you were, he asked you to eat" Harry then pipes in.

I'm so confused, why would they even care if I eat or not, these two haven't said two words to me in a week and now they are asking me to eat?

"No" I say stubbornly and I push my plate away and go to stand up.

I gasp when two pairs of hands grab me by the waist and sit me back down, it's not harsh and it doesn't hurt but it takes me by surprise and I think they are both going to try and hurt me so I still instantly.

"Sit down and eat like we've asked you to do" Edward says as his eyes bore into mine.

I don't get a chance to respond though as mum and James walk back into the room, both dressed for work.

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