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The next morning I wake up alone in bed, I don't know what else I expected but I'm disappointed. I go through the motions of the morning and when I'm dressed in my black slacks, white shirt, school shoes and black jumper, I head downstairs to the kitchen and find Harry and Edward dressed for the day and eating breakfast. They notice me enter immediately.

"Morning Pidge, sleep well?" Harry asks happily.

"Yeah" I reply smiling slightly.

I walk over to the fridge and take out a bottle of water, I turn around and adjust my backpack on my shoulder.

"I'll see you guys later" I say as I go to leave.

"Whoah there Pidge, you haven't eaten yet and Harry and I are driving you" Edward says as he gets up out of his chair and comes over to me.

"Edward, not this again. I'm not hungry and I don't need a lift, just stop acting like you care,I know it's because of mum and your dad and they have asked you to try but it's fine. I'm used to being alone and I like it better that way. I'll eat when I get to school" I tell Edward.

"Louis, have you ever thought that we actually like you and want to spend time with you, that we are offering to drive you and pick you up from school because we care about you and we want to do these things?" Harry asks me turning around in his chair.

That thought has never, ever crossed my mind.

I look at him in the eyes, he seems serious but why would they bother, they'll be moving out next year probably and as soon as they do they'll forget me, why get attached?

"No" I say with sincerity and with that I leave.

They don't follow me and as I walk to school I feel like I'm being watched, I look behind me a few times and see a red Mercedes that seems to be following me. It's then that I see the Rover behind the Mercedes, Harry and Edward are following me too. This is getting ridiculous, I ignore them and put my headphones in my ears and when I reach the school both cars speed off.

The day goes by okay, Max and his gang are on a football training day so I don't have to worry about seeing them, it makes the day so much easier and I even eat a small sandwich in the cafeteria. When it's the end of the day I walk out expecting to see Harry and Edward waiting for me but instead I see James, in his Porsche. He waves at me and I smile back, I walk over a little bit unsure. I don't really know James all that well.

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" He asks.

"Good, yeah, thanks" I say shyly.

"Hope you don't mind me picking you up, I had an few hours between patients, thought we could chat" He says kindly.

"Um...okay" I say, I'm nervous now, I don't want to chat.

I hop in the car and buckle up and he pulls out of the car park, it's silent for a little while as I look out the window, I can see James stealing glances at me.

"Listen Lou, I just wanted to talk about a few things, I understand how this is all so much for you right now, with moving and trying to deal with everything changing. I know I've taken your mum away from you and I just want you to know I love her very much" James says.

He looks to me and I sigh.

"You know, it just makes this whole thing so much worse with the fact that you are a nice guy" I say

James laughs at that.

"I am glad you think so and I will treat your mum like the amazing women she is, you have my word" He tells me, turning serious.

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