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The beeping noise is what I register first, then it's Harry and Edwards worried voices.

"When will he wake up Andy" Edward presses.

"Ed, you need to relax, he's suffered a pretty severe head injury, he's stable now, he will wake up when he's ready" A voice I'm assuming is Andy speaks.

"It's been two days Andy, can't you wake him up" That's Harry.

"Boys, I promise you Louis is okay, he will wake up, just give him some time"

And then I'm out again.

The next time I wake it's quiet and this time my eyes try to flutter open, the steady beeping noise is getting louder and I open my eyes to a dark room with a bedside lamp as the only light. I panic that I'm alone. I know I'm in a hospital by the drip in my arm and the oxygen under my nose, but why am I alone, what if those guys come back to hurt me.

My head is absolutely pounding and my body is so sore all over, I try to sit up, it's so painful but I manage, my breathing heavy. I notice my hand is bandaged and I reach it up to my head to try and stop the pounding, it doesn't work though. I'm not in a hospital gown like I thought I would be, instead I'm in my grey sweats and one of Edwards blue T-shirts, it's to big and falls off my shoulders. I move the blankets aside and go to hop off the bed, I take the oxygen out of my nose and remove the drip in my arm. I need to go home, need to get out of here. Is all I can think. My feet hit the ground and I notice I've got Harry's white and black striped socks on. I stand up and I get a wave of dizziness my vision going blurry as my head pounds. I feel like throwing up.

I hear the door open and look up to see Harry and Edward walk into the room with bags of takeout food in their arms. As soon as they see me they drop the food on the nearest chair and rush to my side. I'm so happy to see them that I try to walk forward into their safe arms but I fall, Harry catches me instantly and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and bury my head in his shoulder and cry.

"Oh baby, thank god" He whispers as he hugs me tight and comforts me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I mumble croakily over and over again.

Edward comes over and kisses my head.

"Shhhh sweetheart, it's all okay" Edward tells me.

I grip Harry so tightly, my body is so sore but I don't care, I don't want to let go of Harry.

"I'm just going to get your doctor Lou, his name is Andy and he's a very good friend" Edward tells me.

I look at him with tears in my eyes, he kisses my head again and goes to leave the room.

"Come on baby, let's get you back into bed" Harry tells me and he walks back towards the bed.

He goes to lay me back down but I grip him tightly.

"No" I croak brokenly.

I just don't want to let him go, I can't, I need him and Edward I just need to feel safe right now.

"Baby, you need to hop back into bed for us, we need the doctor to check you over" Harry tells me gently as he strokes my hair.

"Please Harry, don't let me go please" I plead shamelessly.

"Oh Angel, I'm so sorry" He tells me and grips me tighter.

Edward and Doctor Andy then walk into the room and shut the door.

"Hey there Louis, my name is Andy, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks as he walks toward us.

He seems really nice, with short brown hair and kind brown eyes, he seems to be a few years older than Harry and Edward but still quite young, his smile relaxes me a little.

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