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The air is thick with sweat and alcohol, the people in the crowd are not the type you want to socialise with on a regular basis, it's loud and I cover my ears as Zayn leads me through the sweaty body's to the front of the ring. I'm in my black skinny jeans and a navy blue T-shirt that clings to my body, it's so sweaty and hot.

"Z, don't leave his side" Edward says into the headpiece Zayn is wearing,

"I won't Ed, he's safe with me, just concentrate on winning your fight" Zayn says back.

We reach the edge of the ring and I see Edward shirtless, tattoos littering his body, he's in his fighting mode and his eyes are black as he looks his opponent up and down. Harry, Niall and Liam are waiting at the back of the ring for everything to go down.

Harry and Edward agreed to fight one last fight in order to escape charges and to help bring down Dax once and for all, the fight tonight is the biggest one yet and the entire underground fight ring is here to witness Edward win.

Dax has no knowledge they are working for Drew, or that Drew is even an undercover cop. Dax thinks Edward and Harry begged him to drop the charges if they agreed to fight again. Of course Dax fell for it and here we are. Both boys were reluctant to bring me further into this mess, especially knowing they aren't allowed near me all night, but it's apparently essential that Dax and his gang approach me and threaten me. Zayn sticks by my side and I try my hardest to watch Edward and his opponent go at it in the ring, I hate it so much though.

"Zayn, I want Harry" I end up turning around to say, seeing Edward receive a punch to his face has me upset and I just need to get away,

"I know kid, it's okay, Edward is fine" Zayn reassures me,

I nod and keep my back turned away from the ring, Zayn rests a protective hand on my back and brings me in close to his chest. As I look over his shoulder my eyes meet Max's he has a few of his gang with him and he's smirking at me.

I try to ignore him, I honestly just want to get out of here.

Dax then comes up behind Max and they are both staring at me, Dax brings his fingers up to point at me, then back to his head and pretends to shoot. I gasp as they smile evilly at me.

Then the entire warehouse is stormed by police in complete turnout gear, guns drawn.


There is yelling and screaming, people panicking and running everywhere, it's so loud.

"Get down on the floor bud" Zayn tells me,

We were told this would happen and that we needed to get on the floor when the place is stormed. Edward is on the floor already and his eyes are on me. Zayn grabs my arm as everyone is dropping to the floor, it happens so quickly and I don't get a chance to grip Zayn as I'm ripped from his hold and grabbed around the waist. I have no idea what's going on but I know this isn't supposed to happen.

"Louis!" I hear Edward yell, I see him get up but he's stopped by police.

I struggle In the arms that have grabbed me but it's no use.

"Edward!!!" I scream.

A hand is placed over my mouth as I'm whisked away, I'm brought to the front of the room and I see Dax's gang all standing together guns drawn as the rest of the building lays on the floor. The police at one end and Dax's gang at the other. I'm turned around to face the room, I see Harry and Edward standing in the middle of the room next to a few police officers and Drew.

I'm then shoved into Max's arms, he grabs me tightly and covers my mouth with his hand, he is so much bigger and stronger than me. Dax then comes over to me and places the gun against my temple. I stop struggling immediately and the entire room goes quiet.

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